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2023 Design

"Once upon a time

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"Once upon a time...There lived a satyr god named Pan, who was a less than ideal citizen, one might say. When the fearsome monster Typhon attacked Mt. Olympus, Pan escaped by turning into a goat with a fish tail and swimming down the nearby river to escape Typhon. Unfortunately, Typhon had Zeus in his clutches, but Pan managed to save Zeus by distracting Typhon. In gratitude, Zeus placed Pan in the sky as the constellation Capricorn... but kept the image of a goat with a fish tail..." - Capricorn's Origin Story.

Personal Information

Age: +5000 (physically 29)

Theme Colour: Teal

Reign: December 22nd - January 19th

Gemstone: Garnet

Constellation: Capricorn

Element: Earth

Powers: Time, Enhanced Wisdom

Weapon: Capricorn Time Key

Primary Attack: Capricorn Tick-Tick Revolution

Strengths: Responsible, Disciplined, Wise, Mature, Hardworking, No-Nonsense

Weaknesses: Condescending, Pessimistic, Stoic, Cold, Unforgiving

Likes: Personal Space, Staying Busy, Keeping Track Of Time, Chess

Dislikes: Silliness, Gemini, Aquarius, No One Making An Effort, Things Done Without Purpose


In spite of having a silly-named attack, and an equally ridiculous birth constellation, Capricorn is the most serious being in existence. He is no-nonsense and looks down upon such juvenile behaviour. Having a high amount of responsibility, Capricorn often strives to be a perfect example for Horoscopians to live by. Capricorn is the most chosen Zodiac Spirits for Wish Missions, due to his hardworking, disciplined and dedicated nature. Still, Capricorn isn't perfect, he can be quite condescending and tends to infantilise the other eleven. He has a very pessimistic worldview and can be quite depressing to others. In Capricorn's spare time, he like to play chess, as it helps him channel his strategic thinking and focus. Many have tried to beat Capricorn at the game, but many have failed. Guess no one can beat the wise and responsible Goat!


Overall: Capricorn is looked at as a buzzkill by some of the less serious Zodiac Spirits, while the more mature Zodiac Spirits admire Capricorn's wisdom and more disciplined approach to life. There are a few that fit into a grey area of liking Capricorn, but hating specific qualities about him.

Aries: Like most of the Zodiac Spirits, Capricorn has a low tolerance for Aries. Capricorn feels Aries lacks maturity and self-responsibility, while Aries thinks of Capricorn as a wet blanket that infantilises everyone any chance he gets.

Taurus: Taurus and Capricorn have a relatively solid relationship, Taurus appreciates Capricorn's wisdom and more disciplined attitude towards life, while Capricorn sheds most of his normally stoic personality, putting on a mild smile when in Taurus' presence.

Gemini: Gemini's favourite target for pranks and tricks. Capricorn has a high disdain for Gemini's antics, but he isn't as aggressive with his dislike for Gemini as Virgo is. Capricorn doesn't find Gemini that entertaining, but he watches his performances with a slight smirk.

Cancer: Cancer and Capricorn rarely interact.

Leo: Leo and Capricorn think similarly, and she considers him her second-in-command. They are more mature than the other Zodiac Spirits and they see eye to eye on a large amount of things. Capricorn's only problem with Leo is her pride, and Leo's only problem with Capricorn is his depressing aura.

Virgo: Virgo considers Capricorn to be her best friend. The two have a lot in common. Capricorn acts as a straight-man to Virgo's sarcastic and critical tendencies, and often corrects her (not in a condescending way, rather a friendly way). Virgo also recognises that Capricorn is a difficult person to argue with thanks to his wisdom and tendency to be right nine times out of ten.

Libra: Libra and Capricorn have a mixed relationship. While these two work well together because of their more mature outlooks on life, these two have minor issues with each other. For example: Libra likes to give each side a chance, while Capricorn prefers to hold one side accountable for their actions. Capricorn also tends to be disapproving of Libra's vanity.

Scorpio: Capricorn often limits interactions with Scorpio, simply going with a simple 'morning' or 'evening' or 'hello'. Obviously, Scorpio's intensity makes the normally cool and collected Capricorn feel on edge. Scorpio finds Capricorn to be a big party-killer.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius and Capricorn are from two very different worlds (in a metaphorical sense), and they often clash because of it. Sagittarius finds Capricorn to be a dull, depressing sack that always manages to drain the life out of everything. Capricorn, meanwhile, thinks of Sagittarius as an immature, irresponsible animal who can't stay still for even five seconds.

Aquarius: Aquarius loves to annoy Capricorn, and he often criticises her behaviour, and many times he refers to her as a "clown in mermaid skin".

Pisces: Rarely do Capricorn and Pisces interact, the former preferring to keep his distance from her, believing she is a psycho, while Pisces finds Capricorn to be about as entertaining as a static screen.

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