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2023 Design

"Once upon a time

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"Once upon a time...There was an awful monster named Typhon who terrified everyone and everything around him. One day, when the Gods were having a get-together, Typhon came to attack! Everyone, aside from Zeus and Athena, fled in horror. The love goddess, Aphrodite, tied herself to her son, Eros, and they jumped on the backs of fishes to escape. When they reached safety, Aphrodite placed the fish in the sky as the constellation Pisces." - Pisces' Origin Story.

Personal Information

Age: +5000 (physically 17)

Theme Colour: Blue

Reign: February 19th - March 20th

Gemstone: Aquamarine

Constellation: Pisces

Element: Water

Powers: Ice, Precognition

Weapon: Pisces Mirror

Primary Attack: Pisces Glacial Reflection

Strengths: Empathetic, Kind, Compassionate, Spiritual, Psychic

Weaknesses: Lethargic, Gullible, Timid, Escapist, Self-Pitying

Likes: Meditation, Relaxing Music, Peace & Quiet, The Cold, Helping Others, Being Connected To The "Spirit World"

Dislikes: Chaotic Environments, Heat, Cruelty (especially towards children and animals), Being Taken Advantage Of


Pisces is a cool beauty with a serene aura about her: whenever she passes by, people's shoulders fall, anxiety attacks are subdued, couples stop arguing. You know, that kind of feeling. But Pisces is more than just a walking anaesthetic, there's more to her than that. Pisces is the most spiritual Zodiac Spirit, and she loves and appreciates everything about spiritual matters. On top of that, Pisces is perhaps the kindest out of the dozen, going out of her way to brighten people's days. On the negative side of Pisces, due to her kind nature, she is often a doormat, and is susceptible to guilt-tripping. She is also extremely sensitive, and runs and hides when things get too overwhelming or too chaotic. Even if she treats everyone with nothing but kindness and compassion, Pisces is often left alone. While it is unfortunate that a soul like her has to live such a life, there's not really much she can do to change. Despite her flaws, Pisces never lets anyone take advantage of her or her kindness and never once does she let anything negative affect her day-to-day life.


Overall: No one particularly gets why Pisces is so passionate about everything spiritual; be it fortune-telling or showing off her confronting premonitions. Some are fascinated by Pisces, others are terrified to even approach her, and others roll their eyes at her. Regardless if Pisces goes out of her way to make her comrades feel happy and loved, she is often shunned due to her unconventional ways.

Aries: Despite being next to each other on the Zodiac wheel, Aries and Pisces couldn't be any more different, not just power-wise. Aries is loud, boisterous, and loves starting shit, while Pisces is a lot more quiet and prefers peaceful things. Obviously, these two don't agree on everything.

Taurus: Pisces and Taurus rarely interact with one another, but their relationship is often mixed or negative, especially in regards to Cancer. Pisces' premonitions tend to scare Cancer out of her wits, and Taurus gets protective of her, and he ends up slinging insults at Pisces, usually in Spanish. For example: "estúpida pez azul." (Stupid blue fish)

Gemini: Pisces finds Gemini pretty entertaining, funny even, but 95% of the time, she doesn't really like Gemini. He, just like Aries, is super loud and is rarely ever quiet, and he talks so much it drives Pisces crazy. Gemini himself isn't very fond of Pisces, seeing her as nothing more than a hippie who is wildly out of touch with reality.

Cancer: While they have amicable relations, Cancer and Pisces have some minor, yet glaring issues with one another. For one, Cancer is always on edge when Pisces shows off her premonitions, and oftentimes is scared to tears. Otherwise, Cancer usually leaves Pisces alone when she's practicing her spiritual stuff, mainly her meditation. On Pisces' end, she often wonders why Cancer loves fairy tales more than any other literature genre.

Leo: Leo is one of the few Zodiac Spirits who are fascinated by Pisces, and Leo tries her best to include Pisces in the Zodiac Spirits' meetings. She usually sits and watches whenever Pisces presents her premonitions to the others. Pisces also has a high respect for Leo, as do the other Zodiac Spirits.

Virgo: Believe it or not, but Virgo is actually the only person Pisces genuinely hates. Virgo unceremoniously lambasts Pisces for her lifestyle every chance she gets, and even throws in sassy remarks from time to time. In return, Pisces gives Virgo the silent treatment every time she addresses her, and refuses to give in to her criticism, even if it's constructive and genuine.

Libra: While not a huge believer in the spiritual world, Libra also share's Leo's opinion on Pisces. Although she often watches Pisces' premonitions with a raised eyebrow. These two get along well otherwise and Pisces often looks up to Libra because of her ability to mediate and stop fights.

Scorpio: Arguably Pisces' best friend, she brings out Scorpio's softer side and with their shared liking for the occult and the spiritual, they get along very well. Scorpio watches Pisces' premonitions without interruption and she listens to his ramblings on the macabre and the occult.

Sagittarius: Similar to Aries, Pisces has a negative view of Sagittarius, she sees him as a louder, more obnoxious version of Aries. Sagittarius often oversteps Pisces' boundaries and frequently interrupts her from her meditation. From his perspective, Pisces is a straight-up weirdo who thinks some crystal balls and vague messages should define how she runs her life.

Capricorn: Rarely do Capricorn and Pisces interact, the former preferring to keep his distance from her, believing she is a psycho, while Pisces finds Capricorn to be about as entertaining as a static screen.

Aquarius: Aquarius views Pisces as a weirdo due in part to her spiritual nature and philosophical outlook on life. Pisces has a negative view of Aquarius, finding her loud, annoying, and in-your-face.

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