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2023 Design

"Once upon a time

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"Once upon a time...There were two royal siblings, Phrixus and Helle, who were hated by their evil stepmother, Ino. The wicked queen intended to kill the twins, and if not for their birth mother, Nephele, who prayed to Zeus for their safety, she would have succeeded. Zeus sent a golden winged ram to bring the children to safety, and once they were as far away from Ino as possible, Phrixus sacrificed the ram and its image was placed into the sky as the constellation Aries." - Aries' Origin Story.

Personal Information

Age: +5000 (physically 26)

Theme Colour: Red

Reign: March 20th - April 19th

Gemstone: Bloodstone

Constellation: Aries

Element: Fire

Powers: Lava, Enhanced Swordsmanship

Weapon: Aries Spear & Shield

Primary Attack: Aries Volcano Slash

Strengths: Energetic, Confident, Strong, Masculine, Encouraging

Weaknesses: Selfish, Rash, Hasty, Angry, Can Be Rather Bigoted

Likes: Working Out, Lifting Weights, Fighting, Arguing, Trying To Get Leo's Attention, His Masculinity

Dislikes: Not Having His Opinion Heard, Weakness, Being Hushed, Things Not Going His Way


Despite being first in the Zodiac cycle, Aries isn't the leader, that title goes to Leo, his fellow Fire sign. One might think he would be jealous for that, no, not at all...quite the opposite......Aries is quite a pervert, but nowhere near as much as Sagittarius, though. Despite not being the leader of the Zodiac Spirits, Aries acts as a motivator with his enthusiasm and energy. He is highly confident, and this makes him naturally magnetic. Aries is also fiercely proud of his masculinity, and likes to act like a "real man". However, Aries tends to push his ideals onto everyone around him, especially adolescent Horoscopian boys. As an armour-clad warrior, Aries tends to jump into things without thinking, so his plans often go awry. It should also be noted that Aries has a fiery temper, so conflicts with him are inevitable. Aries is also incredibly selfish, preferring to look out himself rather than anyone else (unless their name is Leo), he is very impatient, and doesn't wait a minute for anything. Still, even if he isn't the nicest person in the world, Aries never fails at lifting everyone's spirits, he just needs to learn how to compartmentalise.


Overall: Aries is another divisive Zodiac Spirit. On one hand, his confidence and determination draws others to him. But at the same time, his "be a real man" approach to life turns off some others. Aries himself doesn't think highly of anyone who he deems weak, cowardly, or wussy. As such, he has mostly negative feelings towards the other eleven spirits.

Taurus: Aries and Taurus have a rivalry, or rather, a one-sided rivalry in Aries' case. Aries is jealous that Taurus has a huge female fanbase, and most women can't stand Aries (Taurus is uncomfortable with his fangirls, as they're just desperate for him and his perfectly-sculpted body). Aries also refuses to admit that Taurus has amazing cooking skills, despite his cooking being top-tier. From Taurus' perspective, Aries is just being a moody, insecure teenager who has yet to emotionally grow up.

Gemini: Aries loves teasing Gemini, giving him nudgies, poking his face, scaring him, even. Gemini doesn't mind this at all, being a jester himself. Aries also finds Gemini entertaining.

Cancer: Cancer dislikes Aries, he doesn't like her either. In her case, Cancer hates Aries' philosophies and the fact that he hates anything weak, especially men. Aries finds Cancer's emotional swings very annoying, but he never says it to her face, for fear of angering a certain someone...

Leo: Aries is highly fond of Leo, to a somewhat unhealthy degree. He constantly does things to get her attention, sometimes being more subtle like buying her flowers, or being direct like doing a Kabedon (forcing her against a wall). Despite telling Aries a thousand times that she doesn't need a man, he still tries to win Leo's heart.

Virgo: Aries has absolutely no patience for Virgo, and hates how she feels the need to overanalyse everything everyone does. Because of Aries' loud and proud personality, he is a prime target for Virgo's criticism and shady remarks. They also have bad tempers, so arguments between them are regular and often loud.

Libra: Aries finds Libra incredibly weird, she meanwhile, has a crush on Aries. Libra usually flirts with Aries, plays with his facial hair, flutters her eyelashes at him, and stands close to him. Aries doesn't share the same feelings, in fact, he doesn't even know how to be romantic, and he only has eyes for Leo. Along with that, Aries feels he and Libra wouldn't get along well because of their opposing values.

Scorpio: Aries and Scorpio have a mixed to negative relationship. Ideally, these two would be great allies, after all, they do have similar traits, but in reality, these two make awful friends. On Scorpio's end, Aries is too loud and fiery for him, he always forces his beliefs onto people, and he rarely respects boundaries, if at all. From Aries' point of view, Scorpio is too cold and unnerving for him, not to mention his love for the paranormal. They do seem to agree on some things, though, so that's a plus.

Sagittarius: Aries and Sagittarius have a love-hate relationship (really it's more a mildly dislike), they get along due to their compatible personalities, their friendship on the surface looks more like a friendly rivalry, but they swear they are anything but rivals. At the same time, however, they constantly argue and compete over Leo, despite the fact that she makes it clear she does not tolerate being objectified or being treated like a trophy.

Capricorn: Like most of the Zodiac Spirits, Capricorn has a low tolerance for Aries. Capricorn feels Aries lacks maturity and self-responsibility, while Aries thinks of Capricorn as a wet blanket that infantilises everyone any chance he gets.

Aquarius: Aries finds Aquarius to be a total nut job who thinks she's going to change the world, while Aquarius views Aries as a loud-mouthed chauvinist who only wants to get under Leo's dress. They rarely agree on anything, as you would expect, and they show little to no respect for one another.

Pisces: Despite being next to each other on the Zodiac wheel, Aries and Pisces couldn't be any more different, not just power-wise. Aries is loud, boisterous, and loves starting shit, while Pisces is a lot more quiet and prefers peaceful things. Obviously, these two don't agree on everything.

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