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2023 Design

"Once upon a time

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"Once upon a time...A massive lion lived in a dark, spooky forest and terrorised everyone who lived in the nearby village. The hero Hercules came to stop the lion and save the village. Unfortunately, the lion was too strong and Hercules almost lost the battle. He decided to wrap his arms around the lion's neck to defeat it. The lion was put down, and Hercules used its hide to make a cloak to keep warm. The constellation Leo was placed among the stars as a reminder of the lion." - Leo's Origin Story.

Personal Information

Age: +5000 (physically 22)

Theme Colour: White

Reign: July 23rd - August 22nd

Gemstone: Peridot

Constellation: Leo

Element: Fire

Powers: Light, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Reflexes

Weapon: Cosmos Candle (staff)

Primary Attack: Leo Regulus Flash

Strengths: Creative, Proud, Passionate, Generous, Capable Leader

Weaknesses: Dramatic, Loud, A Little Self-Absorbed, Boastful, Prideful, Bossy, Explosive (when provoked)

Likes: Cats, Being Respected, Giving Back To Others, Visitors to Horoscopia (unless they're irredeemable monsters)

Dislikes: Being Ignored/Disobeyed, Being Objectified, Her Afro Being Touched, Lavender, Ophiuchus


Leo is the designated leader of the Zodiac Spirits, and anything she says goes. Despite her being a bright and shining example for the Horoscopians to look up to, and despite being the most popular Zodiac Spirit, Leo is as flawed as everyone else. Leo can be a bit prideful, and has a bad habit of talking about herself like she's an actual god. Leo can be quite loud and dramatic, often when things go wrong. She is also the angriest Zodiac Spirit and she'll erupt when provoked enough. But don't worry, Leo only displays her anger in a constructive fashion - whether it's someone trying to cause trouble in Horoscopia, or out of a desire to see the other eleven Zodiac Spirits improve. Leo also loves to look her best, as she believes it's best to make a good impression on others, but she doesn't tolerate being objectified by the likes of Aries or Sagittarius. Leo is very generous too, and stops at nothing to give back to the community.


Overall: As leader of the Zodiac Spirits, Leo is respected by the other eleven Zodiac Spirits and is taken very seriously. She has mostly amicable relations with the other Spirits and looks out for, and protects them whenever she can.

Aries: Aries is highly fond of Leo, to a somewhat unhealthy degree. He constantly does things to get her attention, sometimes being more subtle like buying her flowers, or being direct like doing a Kabedon (forcing her against a wall). Despite telling Aries a thousand times that she doesn't need a man, he still tries to win Leo's heart.

Taurus: Taurus, much like everyone, has a high level of respect for Leo as leader. Taurus is eternally grateful for Leo, as she single-handedly helped bring him and Cancer together as a couple.

Gemini: Leo, like everyone, loves Gemini's ability to entertain, but when Gemini isn't putting on a show, he and Leo tend to have issues with each other. Gemini rarely takes the Zodiac Spirits's meetings seriously, which tends to annoy Leo.

Cancer: Cancer respects Leo, much more so than the rest. The reason for why Cancer has a higher respect for Leo is because she was the one who brought her and Taurus together. At the time, Cancer was holding back her feelings for Taurus for a long time, and Leo managed to convince Cancer to be honest about her feelings, saying it isn't worth holding her emotions back. These two have had a close friendship ever since.

Virgo: Leo and Virgo have largely deplorable relations, and they tend to bring out the worst in each other. Leo always feels angry and insecure when she's around Virgo, and Virgo feels infantilised and suffocated when she's around Leo.

Libra: Leo and Libra have a lot of things in common, and they consider each other their best friends. They both enjoy each other's company and they often go on day trips together. Leo loves discussing Libra's love of romance media and Libra supports Leo's decisions...almost to a fault.

Scorpio: Leo and Scorpio don't have the best relationship. Scorpio freaks Leo out slightly, and Leo tends to unintentionally annoy Scorpio.

Sagittarius: Despite him and Aries being rejected a thousand times by Leo (and being a victim of her, ahem, black-belt slapping skills) Sagittarius still tries to win Leo's affection, and is a lot more flirty with her than Aries is. Leo finds Sagittarius creepy and acts abrasive whenever he tries to get her attention.

Capricorn: Leo and Capricorn think similarly, and she considers him her second-in-command. They are more mature than the other Zodiac Spirits and they see eye to eye on a large amount of things. Capricorn's only problem with Leo is her pride, and Leo's only problem with Capricorn is his depressing aura.

Aquarius: Being on opposite sides of the Zodiac, Aquarius and Leo have a complicated relationship. As with (most of) the Zodiac Spirits, Aquarius respects Leo and the decisions she makes, and Leo, in turn, listens to Aquarius' ideas without interruptions. On one hand, Aquarius supports most of Leo's decisions and shoos Sagittarius and Aries away from her, while Leo keeps Aquarius from going overboard, even providing constructive criticism to her ideas. On the other hand, Aquarius and Leo tend to disagree with one another and they clash regularly.

Pisces: Leo is one of the few Zodiac Spirits who are fascinated by Pisces, and Leo tries her best to include Pisces in the Zodiac Spirits' meetings. She usually sits and watches whenever Pisces presents her premonitions to the others. Pisces also has a high respect for Leo, as do the other Zodiac Spirits.

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