"Oh." I frowned, "Was she?" I began and his eyes met mine again, a frown sat on his lips as he nodded his head yes.

I could see liquid begin to pool in his eyes.

"She went into his room!" He began to cry and ducked his head into my chest. I rubbed a hand over his back trying to calm him down.

It breaks my heart to see him like this. Bill has been seemingly doing better in the last couple of week and I know this was probably a major set back. I had to suck back my own sadness at the thought of Tom getting with Natalie again. Meaning I'm not the only girl that he's attempted to do stuff with more than once.

"It's okay.." I held Bill closer rocking him lightly. "She doesn't deserve your tears B."

"I know." He sniffed, pulling back to wipe his face.

We sat there silently for a moment, and then I noticed Bills mood change. His lips curved into an almost devilish grin, and then he looked up at me.

"I have an idea."


Toms POV:

It had been another shit day on top of a plethora of shit days. Bills been bitchy to me since the party.. I get it. I really do, but it's been almost a month the least he could do Is get over it! Maybe that's shitty of me, but I'm not the one to blame.

That night I was minding my own business waiting for Bill and Bella to return from getting their drinks. I was hoping they would hurry up so I could make some moves on Bella again. Then while I was deep in thought Natalie scooted over, tapped me on the shoulder, and then jumped me!

I didn't even have a second to think before her lips were on mine and her body was crowded against mine. It hadn't been long before I heard Georg talk and then realized what was going on. When I saw Bella and Bill kissing something twisted inside of me. I didn't care about anyone else or anything else the only thing I could think about was the imagine of them making out in my head.

Why does it still hurt to think about now! I don't understand it. Never in my life have I been 'jealous'. Even thinking it makes me wanna puke. Sure.. when actively pursuing someone I might get a little possessive. It's part of the chase! It's fun, but then once I've added that extra notch to my belt it's supposed to be over. I'm not supposed to want them again.

I haven't been able to stop wanting Bella since the first time I kissed her in the beginning of the semester. Her lips were so soft, almost silken, and the blush on her cheeks after a simple kiss made my heart melt. In that moment I knew I had to have her.

I was surprised she gave into me as soon as she did. I can usually work my magic on girls in one night, but inexperienced girls are different. They need a little more, you have to go the extra mile. I was shocked I didn't completely scare her away at first with how much of a dick I was to her at times.

I smiled thinking fondly of the memory, but was interrupted at the sound of the front door closing. That must be Bill going over to her dorm again.


How come he gets to be close to her like that, and I can't!

The door to my bedroom clicked open causing me to whip my head over from my spot on the bed. I thought Bill needed to ask me something, but my eyes widened when I saw Natalie's timid expression as she slipped into my room shutting the door behind herself.

"Hey." She spoke softly, standing awkwardly by the door.

I could feel my blood pumping faster, anger flooding through me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I half yelled, blaming her for the distance between Bella and I.

She flinched a little, but took a step closer standing by the edge of my bed now. I sat up crossing my arms.

"I-I," she blinked, looking as if she was about to cry. "I wanted to see you." She finished with a deep breath.

"Because?" I had a tone, I don't care if it's rude. She fucked everything!

"Because Tom.." she paused looking into my eyes, "I love you."

I almost vomited. Im sure she could see the disgust written all over my face.

"Okay?" I paused for a second, I could almost see her heart snap into two. "What am I supposed to do about that?"

Natalie's eyes began to water, but she stopped herself before she could actually cry. Her face instantly turned smug, and she took a step closer to the bed bending a knee to crouch in front of me.

"Can't I do anything for you?" She smirked trailing her fingers over my knee and down my thigh.

I swallowed trying to will away the erection that wasn't starting to form. God dammit.

"I could..." she paused sliding her hand down further so it was pressed against my now half hard dick. "Suck you off?" She smiled seductively.

For once her vulgar words actually turned me off. Maybe because it was her, maybe because I would rather it be someone else crawling towards me in my bed.

"Nah I'm good." I brushed her hand off abruptly standing and walking towards the door. She scoffed, her face turning red out of embarrassment.

"You can leave." I smiled cockily, and twisted the knob opening the door.

"Fuck you." She snarled stomping towards the front of the house as I followed her.

Before she could make it outside Bill and Bella stumbled in giggling and holding hands. They kissed briefly and then turned towards us.

"Hey guys how's it going!"



Hope you guys are having a lovely day <3

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