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"Are you coming bug?" My dads warm deep voice echoed through the stairwell. I checked my phone realizing if I don't get my ass in gear I'm gonna be late.

Not that I have any real classes today, but meeting my roommate and touring the campus is pretty important.

So are first impressions, what would my roommate think if I was late, unacceptable.

I quickly threw on some loose navy blue skinny jeans, and a sky colored thin sweater, tying my long wavy blonde locs into a low ponytail.
This is as presentable as I can get I guess. I slid on some sandals hoisting my bag over my shoulder.

Downstairs my dad had a to-go coffee cup ready for me. I could smell the aroma of my favorite hazelnut creamer coming out of the top in steam.

"You look great bells." I smiled graciously as he handed me the cup. "Thanks dad."

"No problem kiddo, let's go." He grabbed the two suitcases I had, and rolled them out the door, gently tossing them in the trunk of the car.
I could hardly contain my excitement; it was practically bursting out of me as I climbed in the passenger seat.

I'm going to miss home, a lot, but at least it's only a few hours away.
Besides, it hasn't felt the same here since my moms passing.
The wound is still fresh, digging into me anytime I pass a stranger that smells like her, or hear her favorite song on the radio.

Maybe being a little further away will help me not miss her as much, or at least that's what I'm hoping for. Less memories, less pain.

My dad has taken everything surprisingly well, or that's just what he wants it to seem like. Tim's always been strong, the caregiver, a wonderful role model. My mom was equally as great, until lymphoma caused her to become a dwindling shell of herself.

"You doin okay bug?" My dads strong voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yeah." I flashed him a warm smile, turning to look out the window again. The cranberries played quietly over the radio, my dads favorite. I wouldn't admit it, but my favorite too.

"Okay.. room 438." I flicked my tongue across my lip, squinting my eyes as I read the very in-depth map laying out our dormitories. It wasn't my first choice, but being a freshman there's no other option unless you live with parents or family. My dad was following close behind me, dragging all of my things.

I paused, searching for the correct building on the map. God, where even are we? I should have looked all this up before we got here, usually I would have. I was just too caught up in getting everything else ready.

"Right here?" My dad questioned pointing to the old brown door, with worn golden numbers 438 in the center. I nodded, feeling nervous as I lightly knocked. I have a key, but I'm not sure if my roommates here already.

The door whipped open revealing a petite black haired girl just a few inches shorter than me. She flashed her perfect white teeth greeting me by wrapping her thin arms around my waist suddenly. I stiffened a little at the unexpected affection.

"Ohhhhhh hi!! I'm Natalie!" She squeezed me again, thankfully releasing me shortly after, "You must be Isabella right?" Although her outer appearance was dark, her personality was sugary sweet.

I returned her warm smile, "Just Bella!" She opened the door wider, walking further into the room revealing two boys sitting on her bed.
They were polar opposites.

The one on the right had spiky black hair, and the most fabulous black leather pants I've ever seen; Dark Smokey shadow covered his lids. He was bubbly just like my roommate, a full toothed grin as he lightly waved his hand.

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