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"Watch where you're going." He spat with a thick German accent.

I crossed my arms over my chest "Do you always have to be so rude?" He blinked, scoffing like he was offended.

"Rude? You ran into me." His face was flat, I wanted to punch him.

"You were rude before too, back in the dorm." He laughed, licking his lip ring as he turned his head to the side, and then back at me.

"I wasn't rude, you just weren't all that interesting." My mouth hung open.

what is this guys problem?

"Whatever.." I slung my bag higher on my shoulder, "See you around." I began to walk away, not missing the amused smile spread all over his stupid cocky face.

"Bye Isabella." He waved with one hand, "Just Bella." I spat as I walked off, not looking back at him. I don't need to see him to know he's probably mocking me with his face right now.

I'm praying to god I don't have any classes with him; won't find out until tomorrow though. I tried brushing him away from my thoughts as I continued on to the main area of campus.
Pulling out my map, I had already circled the different areas of class and which building they were in.
I'm majoring in Psych and minoring in English, so my schedule has opposing days.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are Psych based days, where I'll mostly be in building A. Tuesday and Thursday are half days for English where I only have two classes. One in building B and the other in C.

I trudged along to Building A, finding the first two classes I have are next to each other; the other class one hallway over.
In Building B and C my classes are right in the entryway. As I was walking around my English teacher was sitting at her desk already, seemingly working on lesson plans.

I tried walking past the class room quickly, but she noticed me. "Hey! Are you in one of my classes?" I nodded, brushing my hair behind my ear as I stepped into the classroom.

"Yes! First year. Isabella Black." I gave her an award winning smile, trying to impress the best I could; she returned it.

"It's nice to see someone who cares enough to find their class before it's five minutes until they have to be there. Come on in, sit." She motioned to the chair in front of her. I listened, taking my seat by her old dark wood desk.

She was young for a college professor, maybe in her late twenties, or early thirties. I read the name tag on her desk, Ms.Thorn.
She looked like what you would expect of an English teacher; long dirty blonde hair, silver thin rimmed glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. Her outfit was actually really cute, I would wear it. A black turtle neck, and black dresspants, topped with a plaid scarf loosely thrown over her shoulders.

"So I won't see you tomorrow.." she scanned over her papers, flipping to the next page. "You're in my Tuesday, Thursday class." I smiled nodding my head. "Yes! I'm really excited."

"Here, you can have a sneak peak over our first lesson." She handed me a packet which I graciously accepted, "Thank you!"

I read over the title page, 'Frankenstein', a very interesting first choice. I read it a few years ago for an extra credit course in my sophomore year.

"I love this book." I admitted, flipping through the lesson plan. Like I expected we'll be reading and discussing who the true 'monster' is, and the consequences of one's actions.

"It's one of my favorites," she beamed, "it was great to meet you Isabella, I've got some work to do so I'll see you on Thursday!"

I stood awkwardly, taking the pamphlet she gave me, "See you then, thanks again!" She tilted her head once in a swift nod, and returned her eyes to the pages on her desk.

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