😘Beomkai- Glimpse into the Past

Start from the beginning

Kai slowly nodded. "That was your last life. You asked me to come with you because you didn't want to forget me so I did. Your 12th birthday was your last before you died. That's why this one is such a big deal to me."

"And um... how old are you then?"

"Millions? I stopped counting shortly after I was born."

Beomgyu shoved a small cupcake in his mouth. He took his time to chew it as his brain was still struggling to comprehend what just happened. Seeing his 12th birthday was odd. Seeing him dying in the hospital was unforgettable. He swallowed the last little bits of the cupcake then continued to stare at his boyfriend. His head tilted to the side. He decided to get within an inch of Kai's face to exam him further. "And how did we meet? And how the hell were you able to show me that?"

"I kinda am the person responsible for helping kids move on when they die. I'm not exactly human. I can do a lot of things. Do you hate me?"

"I don't hate you. I just... I have a lot of questions."

Kai spent the next half hour answering every single question Beomgyu had. He was patient with them but the only thing he was really thinking about was if he still had a boyfriend or not. A shocking amount of the questions were based off of details of Beomgyu's past lives. Kai had to constantly explain he was only reborn once. Souls are created and destroyed all of the time. Beomgyu was convinced he was a five star general or a spy in a past life. He wasn't. He was just a normal 12 year old who wanted to live again.

Beomgyu had a billion more questions left. He wanted to ask more but his boyfriend looked defeated. "What's wrong Hyuka?"

Kai sighed. "Nothing. I know you have more questions. What else do you want to ask me?"

"Well right now, I just want to know what's wrong."

"Did I lose you?"

"No!" Beomgyu quickly kissed his lips. "You think that just because youre some million year old mythical figure, that I'd get scared off?!"

Kai didn't even know how to respond to that. His jaw was dropped, now, from pure confusion.

Beomgyu smiled before kissing him more passionately. A lot of his boyfriend's behavior made more sense now. He always felt Kai was insanely mature for his age. Too smart for his own good too. Being millions of years old would do that. He stopped kissing him when he had an even bigger question on his mind. "What made you come back with me? Have you ever done that before?"

"I've never left my job until I met you. I don't really know why I left. It just felt right when you kissed me."

"Show me." Beomgyu saw it. The image of his 12 year old self and Kai kissing under a willow tree flooded his mind. The tree itself looked as large as a whole forest put together. It assured him that place really was the gap between life and death because no tree like that could exist in reality. He not only saw it, he felt it. The kiss felt exactly like the one he just had. He was brought back to reality when Kai removed his finger from his temple. "Do you think we were meant to be together? Are soul mates real?"

"I know souls are created. I'm not sure if souls were ever created to be with someone specific. That would take more planning than it's worth. I just know that I love you Beomgyu. You make me really happy. I'll be with you until the end. I promise."

Beomgyu was confronted with his own mortality. The 13 year old didn't want to think about that right now. He looked at the gift to his side and felt excited as he handed it over. "Here. Open it! You'll love it!"

"I'll open it if you promise to keep this a secret. If I become hunted, I'll be forced to go back. I want to stay with you."

"I promise!"

Kai knew he meant it. He tore the cheap blue wrapping paper off of the box to reveal a pristine stuffed Piplup. His eyes lit up as his smile widened. "I love it so much! Thank you!"

Beomgyu grinned as he watched his boyfriend hug the small toy. "Okay! What's my gift?!"

"What? Setting this picnic up and showing you your past life wasn't enough?" Kai began to giggle when Beomgyu didn't get that it was a joke. He pointed to the inside of the picnic basket. "There's a little purple box in there. Open it."

Beomgyu rushed to grab it. Inside was a simple chain bracelet with a single charm. The charm had the number 13 etched into a ruby. "Hyuka... it's so pretty!" He put it on his wrist to admire it.

"I chose the ruby because in your past life, you were born in July. That's their birthstone. For every big moment, I promise to update that bracelet with more charms."

"But this looks expensive!"

Kai kissed his cheek. "It's okay. Trust me."

Beomgyu took a moment to admire the way Kai was looking at him. He didn't need a further explanation. His boyfriend may not believe in soul mates but he did. His last life looked pretty amazing before he died. Kai assured him it was perfect. That couldn't have been true. This one was because Kai was in it.

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