"Get in your spots and face the bleachers. If you don't know a move watch the people close to you and don't freeze up."

I started the music and slid my phone away from us as we started.

We got to the fourth dance and all but four girls froze not knowing the rest of the dance at all.

"Everyone that froze up better be here Friday night or you need to have a really fucking good excuse."

After practice me and briar walked to her car together.

"I need to go to the store and to my house."

"Okay what store?"

"Just the closest grocery store."

I called Jackie and asked her some questions so I knew what to make.

"Do you want me to come in or are you good?"

"I'm good I'll only be like fifteen minutes."

I got all the stuff and we went to my house.

"I'll wait in the car cause I stink."

"I'm gonna be here for a while, you can come in and use my bathroom to shower I'm pretty sure I have some of your clothes."

"Why do you have some of my clothes?"

"Don't worry about it, come on."

I turned to her as I unlocked the door.

"This is going to be hectic just make a b-line for the basement."

As soon as I opened the door everyone looked and then they all talked at once.

"il gatto è la tua ragazza?"
(Cat is this your girlfriend?)

"Everyone calm down speak in English and yes she's my girlfriend."


I looked over and saw my parents staring at us wide eyed.

"Oh yeah by the way I'm gay, surprise."

They all looked at me crazy except for my great aunt and briar who were smirking.

"Go down stairs everything you need is in the bathroom I'll find your clothes in a second. Nonna auntie m and Cleo I need your help."

I went into the kitchen and my nonna came up to me.

"What do you need help with my love."

"One of the girls on my team doesn't have the best home situation and she and her little sisters need food so we're making some stuff that can just be put in the freezer and reheated."

"What are making?"

"Lasagna, pasta and pizza cause her sister's want it and then I got them a bunch of groceries so she can make her own stuff."

"You guys start on the pasta dough I'm gonna go change."

I walked downstairs to find Angelo and briar playing a video game.

"You go change out of your school clothes and you go shower." I said turning off the tv.

"Okay mom." Angelo grumbled stomping up the stairs.

"Your hot when you boss people around."

"Go get in the shower." I said walking to my room as I took my shirt off.

I could feel her eyes on me so I kicked my door shut.

"What the fuck!?"

My door was immediately pushed open by briar and she looked at me and then the creep on my bed.

I quickly put my shirt back on storming upstairs.

"Perché è qui, non dovrebbe nemmeno sapere dove viviamo dopo quello che ha fatto e tanto meno sdraiato nel mio letto. Ho telefonato lì dentro e mi sono tolto la maglietta."
(Why is he here he shouldnt even know where we live after what he did let alone be laying in my bed. I walked in there and took my shirt off.)

"Who cat?"


"He was in your room?" My dad asked handing the baby to my mom.

David stumbled up the stairs looking around confused, my dad walked up to him grabbing his shirt and punching him right in the nose.

"Get your shit and go to the airport, you better make your flight cause your not welcome here ever again."

My dad came over and pulled me into a hug.

"You okay bambina?"

"Yeah briar came into the room pretty fast."

"Okay you go change no one else is down there."

"Why was he here to begin with."

"Your aunt Lisa brought him and she left right after the funeral."

"You know she didn't want him there." I said starting to tear up.

"He wasn't, he stayed here don't cry please."

"I'm not my eyes are sweating, it's hot in here."

They all laughed and I pulled away from my dad going back downstairs with briar following closely behind me.

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