Chapter 9

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Christmas was a celebration the whole pack was looking forward to. It had been a rough few days leading up to it, but things had finally come together. Harry had made it through heart surgery and seemed to be on the mend. Although he wasn't to be released until after Christmas, everyone was in high spirits.

"Lily?" Emily hollered from the kitchen.

She walked around the corner, "What's up?"

"Can you mash those potatoes while I get the sweet potato casserole going?"

Lily smiled and pulled her hair up on top of her head. "Sure will." Grabbing the mixer, milk, butter and salt, she got to work.

"You ladies are killing us in there." Jake commented as he walked to the fridge. "Everything smells so good."

"Is my dad here yet?"

"No, he said he was stopping to get mine." Jake turned his ear to the door, "Actually, I hear the cruiser now."

"Paul?" Lily smiled as his head poked around the corner. "Can you go help dad? He should have the last load of my stuff along with the presents."

Instead of answering, he grabs Jake and the two of them head outside. Charlie looks up, sees the two of them and smiles. He had been worried when he found out Paul had imprinted on Lily, knowing how Jake had always felt about her. He couldn't help but like Paul though. For all the trouble he'd been in before his phasing, he was a good guy and he respected his daughter.

"Charlie, what've you got?"

"Lily's stuff is in the trunk, presents in the back. I figure I can drop her stuff at yours on my way home later." He was under no illusion his daughter wouldn't be spending nights with her boyfriend.

"Sounds good." Paul took the packages Charlie handed him and turned to see Jake getting Billy out of the car.

Walking back into the house, he placed the packages under the tree and looked for his mate, not seeing her in the living room or kitchen. Lifting his nose, he found her in the backyard having what appeared to be a very serious conversation with Sam.

"Sam, you're the alpha, surely you can convince him to move down here."

Sam looked at her with questioning eyes. "Lily, your dad is safe. What is the urgency?"

"I don't know. Victoria is still running around, that's worrisome. But I have this weird feeling in my gut that something is coming."

Sensing her distress, Paul walked out onto the porch and gathered her in his arms. He shared a look with Sam, both wondering what else could be coming at them.

Lily's concerns about Charlie's safety were proven true. On the day Harry was released from the hospital, he had gone to help Sue get him settled in and make sure his friend was comfortable, also taking the time to visit. Lily and Paul were supposed to join him for dinner, so they all left the res together. When the three of them arrived at the Swan house, Paul immediately tensed, scenting several vampires.

"Stay in the car, both of you." He ordered as he handed Lily his phone. "Call the pack, baby."

Lily did as she was told, while watching her boyfriend walk inside her father's house.

By the time the rest of the pack arrived, minus Leah and Seth who were sitting with their parents, Paul was fighting the urge to phase. Lily desperately wanted to go to him, but didn't want another accident to happen.

"Lily, Charlie, you should check to see if anything is salvageable." Sam suggested. "Paul, go run it off and then you can come back."

Paul looked at Lily, she looked into his eyes, hoping hers told him all he needed to hear. With a nod, he ran into the forest and allowed his wolf out. With a growl he took off running.

Lily and Charlie followed Sam into the house and what greeted their eyes was a shock. Couch cushions were on the floor, scratches through the fabric, pictures were knocked off the wall and there were deep scratches embedded in the paint. The whole house looked like Freddy Krueger had paid them a visit.

"Holy..." Charlie muttered as he followed Lily upstairs.

"Check your room, Dad."

Lily walked into her room and saw the same kind of damage as downstairs. Since she had been moving down to the res, there wasn't much left to destroy, so it didn't take her long to see what was damaged.

"Sam?" Lily stopped in front of her hamper.

"What's up, sis?"

"Some of my clothes are missing."

Paul leaped through the open window. "What do you mean your clothes are missing?"

"I mean I had some dirty stuff left here, and now half of it is gone. Who would steal dirty clothes?"

Paul walked over and wrapped his arms around her. "I followed three unknown vamp scents to the highway. Maybe they have it?"

"For what, though?" Embry wanted to know.

Charlie walked into the room then, "I'm not waiting to find out." He pulled a suitcase behind him. "Billy is gonna let me stay at his place until I find something on the res. I'm not waiting here to become part of a vampire buffet."

Lily sagged against Paul in relief. She was worried she wouldn't be able to convince her dad to move for his safety. With Sam and Embry's help, the five of them packed up what they could and loaded it into Lilly's truck before heading for the safety of the reservation. Although the wolves could smell them, Lily and Charlie had no idea they were being watched by vampires.

Lily lay in her bed at Sam's and stared at the ceiling. The spot next to her was long cold, which meant Paul was either on patrol or working at Billy's with the rest of the pack. It was decided after the new year that Charlie would move permanently in with Billy, since he needed continuous care and Jacob was constantly patrolling. The pack was currently expanding the twins room, making it so Charlie was comfortable.

Lily stared at her arm, knowing it was time to take the stitches out and talk to Old Quil about her scar. She wondered why there was still venom in it and whether it belonged to James or had Edward left some behind on purpose.

Crawling out of bed, Lily went to the bathroom and showered before getting ready for her day. Once she was dressed she went to the kitchen, grabbed a cup of coffee and went out to find Emily on the deck with her own cup.

"Morning," Lily sat beside her friend on the steps.

"Morning." Emily looked over at Lily, at the bandage on her arm. "You need to get those out."

Looking down, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna go over to Sue's in a minute. I need to make sure Leah is there first. You know Paul and Sam won't let me wander on my own."

"You're his little sister, Lily. Sam loves you, all of us do."

"I love all of you guys, too. I also need to talk to Old Quil."

Emily nodded, "The venom."

"It's time to find out why it's there and if he can get it out."

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