Chapter 7

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Dinner went fine with Charlie announcing how proud he was of his daughter and her early graduation. They laughed, while Billy and Charlie talked about fishing trips they wanted to take, Jake and Lily looking on in horror.

"Dad, you know I'm not going fishing with you guys, right?" Jake told Billy.

"Yeah, me either."

"We figured as much, kids. Jacob, have you shown Lily the completed Rabbit?"

"You finished it?" Lily was shocked, she didn't think he had all the parts he needed.

"Yeah, come check it out, Lils."

Lily followed Jake to his garage, a place she knew she'd spent a lot of time the last time she lived this life. Now things were different, she just hoped he wasn't still harboring a crush on her.

Paul stood with Sam and Embry in the tree line, listening as Jacob talked to Lily about his car. They could also hear Billy in the house telling Charlie the legends.

"Jesus, Sam, this is crazy. Are we even sure he's gonna phase?"

Sam put his hand on Paul's shoulder. "Billy said he's showing all the signs."

"Stop worrying, Paul. Jake would never hurt her, she's all he talked about when she first moved back."

Paul growled, "So my girl is in the garage with a potential new wolf harboring a crush. Great."

"Relax." Sam ordered.

Lily smiled at Jacob as she once again moved out from under his arm. Finally, he wanted to know what was going on. He'd always been affectionate with her.

"Okay, Lils," Jake started. "You've never pushed me away this much when we've hung out before. I've always put my arm around you or held your hand. What's up?"

Lily sighed, it was now or never. "Jake, lets get some fresh air." She walked out of the garage, Jacob hot on her heels.

"Dammit, Lily, wait!" He ran up to her and grabbed her arm, yanking her around to face him.

"Ow, Jake. Let me go." Lily tried to shake him off.

"No, Lily. Tell me what is going on with you."

Lily managed to get her arm free and rubbed the sore spot while she answered him. "I just think it means something different to you than it does to me. Besides, it's not appropriate."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I have a boyfriend, Jake. So you holding my hand or putting your arm around me is not a good idea."

Jake looked at her as if she had slapped him. "Who?"

Lily noticed he was shaking and took a step back, looking in the direction where she could feel Paul. "Jake, I don't think—"

"WHO?" Jacob yelled with a growl.

"Lily!" Paul shouted as he and the others ran toward her.

"Lily Marie Swan!" Charlie hollered at the same time.

Lily looked in her father's direction just as Jacob phased, his large paw catching her arm as his claw ran down her flesh, right through the scar James left when he bit her.

"Fuck!" Lily cried, cradling her injured arm as Sam and Embry phased to help with Jacob. Paul reached her at the same time as Charlie.

"Let me see?" Paul gently took her arm, inspecting the wound. "We need to get it cleaned up and call Sue. I think you need stitches. Does it hurt?"

Lily nodded and looked up at him, "My arm feels like it's on fire."

"You dated a vampire, Lils?" Charlie asked, not taking his eyes off the three wolves before him.

Tides Changing Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora