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"Yeah, i thought he'd be happy about it but he hasn't talked to me since. . and ive thought of a few."

Bill eyed the ring before he angled his chin and leaned against the wall with his arms folded across his chest.

"I can tell that you're about to leave and i wont stop you, but I only ask that you tell me what you came up with for my niece or nephew. Please."

I set the ring down on a small table before i got up and brushed a hand across my forehead.

"Ive toyed around with Belle or Lucas, but i wont know what it is until its born. I also want you to be the godfather too, of that's not too much to take in. . I know that you and your wife are just starting but there's no one else i trust with my child."

"Im honored. . are you absolutely sure though?"

"Positive. Now before i leave, do you have any spare parchment paying around? I wanna leave Fred a letter before i go."

Fred's POV:

"I thought that your father and i raised you better then that, neglecting your pregnant wife?!"

I flinched against my office desk as my mother yelled at me, her wand pointed threateningly at my face.

"Ah. . . she's told you then?"

A heavy frying pan showed up out of nowhere and cracked me across the top of my head before it vanished and i winced; that was sure to leave a mark.

"Yes, she's told me you absolute moron! She told me crying, begging to go to your brother's house because she said that she was done being hurt. You're going to be lucky if she isnt gone for good now by the time you get there."

I looked behind her to my dark oak doors and sighed, raising my right hand to rifle it through some of the short hair on the back of my neck.

"I dont want her gone like that, i just needed some time to process that im going to be a father is all."

"She might not let-"

Suddenly a light gold feathered owl flew on through my open office window and dropped a letter on my mother's head before leaving again amd she merely glared at me while she reached up to grab it; she broke the wax seal and within seconds she was frowning.


She waved it around before she shoved it at my chest and aimed another smack at the back of my head.

"Read that before i kill you, you've cost me my first grandchild."

My hands shook as i began to read the letter that i recognized in Rose's neat writing, my thumbs taking careful precaution to not touch the wet spots that dotted the outline of the ink.

'Bill was nice enough to let me use his owl and send this to you, and by the time this reaches Diagon Alley, Ill be long gone where none of you will know where i am. None but my brother, because i still want to help bring down the monster who killed our parents and robbed us of a normal childhood. I wanted to thank you for all the happy memories you gave me for the years that we dated, but had i known you'd react that way when i told you i was with your child, i would have kept it to myself. I see now that you dont want anything to do with the baby, so I'll raise it on my own with one promise to you. You wont see me or our child ever again. Ill always love you Fred, but you broke my heart.'

". . . where's Harry?"

"No one knows, he hasnt been heard from in months."

My voice was barely a whisper as my brain registered what the letter said, and my hands continued to shake until the words on the parchment were blurred.

"I really fucked up."

•6 Months Later•

Rose's POV:

"Rosie, i told you not to come-"

My brother looked at me with pure disbelief as yet another boom shook the castle grounds and i tightened my hand that held my wand, my left cradled the underside of my swollen belly.

"You really think you can keep me away from this?"

Harry smiled before he shook his head and another small explosion sent a few pieces of the cobbled ceiling down onto the ground, i had a faint idea where the Weasley's would be fighting when the barrier would finally break; it was only a matter of how fast i could get to them before it began.

"Damn right, let's do this."

Harry patted me on the shoulder before we both ran off in different directions until one last explosion nearly knocked me flat onto my face.

Its starting. .

A few glass window panes blew out as i made my way up to the rafters where sure enough, i heard screaming and shouting; a jet of green light zoomed by my ear before i burst through the small doors and looked around frantically, wand aloft.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? A pregnant woman? What a lovely treat~"

A beefy hand closed around my throat from the left and i gagged at the smell of the rotting meat that was assaulting my nose, i only knew one person who could smell that bad.

"Mm, you know, pregnant women and babies have the best taste~ It's just something about the extra layer of fat they have under their skin~"

The fingers tightened around my throat and tiny black dots danced around my vision, i aimed a weak jab at his face with my wand but he just laughed and squeezed my throat even tighter. The baby started thrashing around inside me and i barely had the strength to reach a hand feebly to my belly.

This is where we die. . . im so sorry.


A jet of red light whizzed by my face and the force of it nearly knocked me to my knees as Fenrir was blasted away from me, strong arms caught me before i touched the floor and dragged me to the furthest dark corner away from all the yelling and flashing lights.

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