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"Eh- Fred found me and told me to bring these to you, said you'd be out here and I thought something was wrong."

"Not really, people just overwhelm me is all- Where did he go anyway?"

"He's talking to one of the girls on our Quidditch team, something about skipping the next practice or something but. ."

George shrugged his shoulders.

"I thought he came to the dance with you."

I lifted my shoulders and let them fall while i finished the rest of the juice , waving my wand and sending the glass back to the kitchens and stroking the hem of my dress before i spoke again.

"He was, yeah."

Thankfully the doors behind George opened and Fred walked out then, a slight pink hue to his cheeks that made him look like a strawberry.

"Sorry about that, i had to ask the uh. . Captain about something. ."

Fred smiled as he put himself between George and I and enveloped me in a deep hug, one of his arms dropping down to wrap around the small of my waist; I saw George make a face before he went back inside and I got the sudden urge to scratch my nose.

"Sorry about that love, i hope i wasnt gone too long-"

"No, im just glad that you're back. For a second there i thought you didnt want me after what i said earlier."


His arms tightened around my waist and his body began to shake with silent laughter until the sound was all but rumbling in the air around us.

"Not want you? That's ridiculous, I've fancied you since we first started at this school, which reminds me- since the term is nearly over, would you want to spend the summer with me and my family? It'll be a little cramped. . and I'll have to send an owl to mum beforehand making sure its alright-"

Fred stopped laughing when I looked up at him and fell quiet when I reached up with both arms, tucked them both around his neck, and grabbed a handful of his wild hair with my left hand; I could feel the heat flooding my face but at that point Id already made my choice.

"That sounds lovely. . as long as Im with you I dont care where we go."

With the feeling of firecrackers exploding in my chest, I leaned up on my toes and planted my lips softly against his; once, twice, three times, and by the fourth his body started to respond to me. His body shook for a quick second before he moaned and opened his mouth, i had to be the one to break for air first and we both just stood there panting, trying to catch our breathe.

"That. . is that your answer?"


I kissed him again but this time he broke it, grabbing me around the waist and twirling me around on the spot in a tight circle, shouting.



"Right, you're now registered. Might I say, im very impressed that you worked so hard to become an Animagi this school year."

I bowed my head to Professor McGonagall as the last few students filed out of the castle into the summer sun, Fred lingering behind to keep an eye on me; the train wasnt due to leave for another twenty minutes but i wanted to make sure my registration was official before i went home with Fred for the summer.

"Thank you Professor, but one more thing before we leave?"


"I know the rule about using magic while we're underage, but would the transformation count with that?"

"Given the circumstances it's a rare exception, but yes, it is. Its considered using magic until you're of the proper age."

I gave her a smile before I took Fred's hand and walked out into the warm heat, down across the grass to Hogsmeade where the steam engine was waiting to take us all back to King's Cross.

"Are we sitting with George?"

Fred traced his thumb over the back of my hand and nodded, looking ahead thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I think he wanted to talk to Lee Jordan first though so i might have to meet up with you in the compartment- I think your brother wanted to talk to us too."

I sighed, after the tournament ended and Harry brought Cedric's dead body back, my younger brother had done nearly everything to avoid me even in the common room. I hadn't bothered trying to talk to him after he snapped at me one night to the point Fred even told him to back off.

"I know, i know. I know he snapped at you but maybe he's sorry-"

We reached the platform by the train and Fred let go of my hand to hold my face, making me look into his eyes.

"God, i dont think i could ever get tired of looking at your eyes. . . you're so beautiful. ."

He kissed me on the nose before he let me go and patted the top of my head, the door we were closest to was still halfway open and i could hear voices of all the students excited to start their summer break.

"Go find a compartment and I promise that ill find you soon ok? I dont like being away from you either but think about all the time we'll have to spend together this summer~"

I pouted before i rolled my eyes and made my way onto the train, dodging looks from people who were eyeing me with speculation until I found an empty compartment near the back of the train; I took a seat near the windows after i shut the sliding doors and opened one of the windows so the warm breeze could blow through. Careful not to pull on my white blouse, i pulled my legs up onto the seat before i leaned my head to the side and stared out the glass, loose tendrils of my hair blowing across my face and tickling my nose.

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