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Rose's POV:

"Weasley, Ronald."

A red haired little boy walked up to the stool trembling and nearly fell off when the hat was placed on his head, it fell down over his eyes before the brim opened wide and shouted its verdict.


Ron walked over to our table shaking like a leaf once the hat was removed and Fred aimed a jab at my ribs when he took a seat to my right.

"That's my brother."

A few more names were called and my attention drifted to the matching golden goblet and plate set at my elbows when one name had me looking back up to the front of the Great Hall.

"Potter, Harry."

Fred touched my shoulder but i was hardly aware of the heat from his skin as an untidy haired little boy with glasses approached the stool.

"You never told us that you had a brother."

"I didnt know that i had one."

As Harry joined our table I leaned forward until my elbows touched the tabletop and rubbed at my temples with the tips of my fingers, a throbbing headache suddenly making it hard to see.

"Im gonna have to see the headmaster after this.."

Present Day (Yule Ball)

"Hey, I gotta ask you something-"

I blinked when Fred Weasley plopped himself down on my right and leaned into my shoulder, ultimately pushing away the last dregs of my bacon and hot cereal.


"Since today's a half day because of the ball, do you wanna go with me?"

I shoved his head away and stifled a giggle, turning sideways on the bench so i could aim a poke at his bicep.

"I dont dance and i think you know that."

"Who said that we'd dance? C'mon~ imagine if word got out that the hotter older Potter sibling had a date~"

I felt myself going red in the face and I began to stammer as i tried to get up, but my knees were suddenly too wobbly to go too far.

"If you'll stop saying it like that, then fine. Ill go with you."

Fred winked and twirled a fork around in the air between us, flicking a rogue piece of egg from one of the spear points before he brushed some of his long hair out of his eyes.

"Ill wait for you outside the Fat Lady, Ill be the one in a tux."

                                 Fred's POV:

"Straighten your tie dear, its a hair crooked."

"Im fine."

"Suit yourself, I was only trying to help."

The Fat Lady walked out of her picture frame just in time for it to swing open and Rose stepped through, I felt my mouth pop open and I couldnt help myself when i saw what she'd chosen to wear. A form fitting ice blue silk dress with a matching shoulder wrap, a dip in the top that showed a bit of her cleavage, and matching heels; her dark hair was in an elegant bun at the back of her neck but it was still long enough to drape over her right shoulder. A light blush flushed her cheeks and i snapped mu mouth shut with an audible pop.

Rose's POV:


"N-nothing, you're just beautiful. ."

Fred offered me his arm and i took it with a small smile before he turned us around and began walking us down the lantern lit hallways.

"So. . . you're probably gonna think im an idiot for asking, but. . do you think we could be an item after all of this is said and done?"

I patted his arm as we reached the top of the staircase that wound down to the Great Hall doors, soft music gently reaching my ears from the cracked open doors.

"I dont. . . really do the whole dating thing, but for you I might make an exception. Let's just see how tonight goes ok?"


Fred's hands stayed on the small of my waist as he held me close to his body and swayed the both of us to the beat of the music, my arms were up around his neck and one side of my face was pressed to his chest right over his heart. We'd been revolving like this for the last two hours and as content to stay this way as my mind was, the rest of my body had other ideas.

"Could you get us something to drink? I think Im gonna go outside for some fresh air."

I tilted my head back and Fred just nodded before he planted a soft kiss on my cheek and slowly let go of me, his left hand trailing up my side to my jawline before he turned around and walked away. I watched him until my heartbeat slowed down and i was able to dodge and weave my way through the dancers until i reached the safety of the warm summer night air. I inhaled a deep breathe before I leaned up against one of the cool stone walls and looked up at the moon and stars above.


"Why were we raised differently? All this time, i didnt even know that i had a brother!"

Dumbledore folded his fingers underneath his chin and merely smiled as i paced the length of his office, all the portraits on the walls of headmasters and headmistresses past followed me with their eyes but said nothing.

"We're halfway through the school term Rose, surely by now you've realized why the both of you had to be taken by different families."

"Not really. . he's tood me how those muggles treated him all those years and its just cruel."

"You'll realize ine day when you're older that what was done was the best option for the both of you. Im afraid i cant discuss much else with you about the subject until then."


"Hey, are you ok?"


I turned around expecting Fred but had to blink when I saw George holding two flagons of iced pumpkin juice and i took one with an inward sigh, taking a few sips of the dainty liquid until my throat was no longer dry.

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