"That's good. I see that you have been staying in the human world for a long time. Do you have any thoughts on going on your way?"

Lu Xu had just washed his hair, with slightly curly bangs hanging down. He looked fresh and handsome in a clean blue and white suit. At first glance, he looked as friendly as the brother next door.

Compared to the grim-faced Shinigami in suits and ties in the Southwest Death Department, Lu Xu is obviously more likely to gain the trust of "customers".

Realizing that Lu Xu had no intention of embarrassing them, He Xinghua raised his hand and nodded: "Lord Lu Xu, I actually want to be reincarnated, but my wish to stand on the stage has not been realized yet, so we can't leave at all."

His teammates nodded, obviously helpless.

Tao Yingbo looked gloomy and cried to Lu Xu: "I don't want to be trapped here forever, but when I think about my songs being signed with other people's names, I feel like I can't rest in peace."

Fully understanding customer demands is the basis for successful contract signing.

Lu Xu nodded while listening, and first asked He Xinghua and his two teammates: "Can you leave after you get on the stage?"

The three ghosts looked at me and I looked at you, and then nodded to Lu Xu at the same time: "You can leave after you finish the stage."

Lu Xu then asked Tao Yingbo: "You want to get your signature rights back?"

Tao Yingbo nodded: "Well, if I want my signature rights back, I'll be on my way."

"Okay, this is the customer information registration form. Please confirm the information. If there is no problem, I will take the order."

The Death God app is a very user-friendly and intelligent working software. In addition to grabbing new orders, Death Gods can also discover historical orders by themselves.

For example, in the case of Apartment F4, although it is under the jurisdiction of the Southwest Death Department, they have not registered it, so Lu Xu still has business authority.

"Lord Lu Xu, can you really help us?" Tao Yingbo sounded hesitant, not knowing whether he should trust Lu Xu.

He Xinghua and the others regarded Tao Yingbo as a bellwether, and their attitude was also hesitant.

Lu Xu didn't care about this and just said lightly: "Do you know who is the number one performer in the Death Department?"

He Xinghua raised his hand: "I know, it's you, Mr. Lu Xu!"

"Then do you know who ranks first in customer satisfaction in the Death Department?"

He Xinghua raised his hand again: "It's still you, sir!"

You must know that Lu Xu is very popular in the ghost world. The ghost sisters like Sister Xiaobai are all fans of Lu Xu. Every time the underworld does a year-end summary report, Sister Xiaobai will immediately share it on the ghost circle to help Lu Xu promote it, and she doesn't forget to ask them, who have not yet been reincarnated, to help give five-star reviews.

It can be said that Lu Xu is the representative of ability and popularity in the ghost world. Thinking about his outstanding performance list, He Xinghua was instantly relieved: "Lord Lu Xu, I believe you."

After saying that, he signed his information confirmation form and was the first to express his attitude.

Upon seeing this, the other three people also signed, and a cooperative relationship was reached.

With four orders placed at once, at least this week's performance is guaranteed.

"By the way, who among you knows where that female ghost has gone?"

"Sir, you are talking about the hanged ghost," He Xinghua shook his head, indicating that they were not familiar with each other. "The female ghost only came here in the past few days. We don't know the specific situation."

Tao Yingbo also agreed: "Yes, it's not a resident ghost. Maybe I knew you were here yesterday and scared you away."

Lu Xu thought for a moment, and it seemed that he had indeed seen her for the last time last night.

It's not an urgent order anyway, so don't worry too much.

Lu Xu put aside his thoughts for the time being and concentrated on making arrangements for the new client: "Since you have decided to leave, you will work hard for this goal. Don't scare strangers anymore by crying like a ghost."

The underworld and the underworld are two different worlds. Lu Xu wants the dead to rest in peace, and he doesn't want the living to be afraid.

"We don't dare anymore." Apartment F4 quickly raised his hands and swore, "Sir, can we move around as freely as before in the future?"

They had lived in the apartment for so long, so they were not used to being suddenly grounded.

Lu Xu didn't force them either: "As long as it doesn't disturb anyone, you can do whatever you want."


"So we can go watch them practice, right? I haven't danced for a long time and I've long wanted to do some exercise."

When Lu Xu came out of the warehouse, Apartment F4 was following him, thinking of going to the dance studio for some exercise.

As a result, as soon as he walked around the corner, he met Ji Xiunian coming out of the director's room.

Lu Xu turned sideways and greeted him naturally and politely: "Good evening, Brother Nian."

"Good evening."

This was the first time Ji Xiunian saw Lu Xu with his bangs down, and he felt that he seemed really young.

Wearing blue and white sportswear on his body, he has a youthful atmosphere.

After all, he was not familiar with Lu Xu, so Ji Xiunian only responded politely and said hello. He looked past Lu Xu and looked back, and happened to fall on f4 - the three in front looked young and had outstanding appearance, but their long sleeves and trousers were obviously a bit out of place. The guy in the flowered shirt at the back looks older than the others, and he doesn't look like a member of a boy band.

Ji Xiunian only thought that the four of them looked a little unfamiliar, so he couldn't help but ask: "Which class are you four in? Why do I have no impression at all..."

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