Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Who Knew?

I woke up to my own snoring, which was unusual since I don't really snore. I rubbed my eyes and i saw a mop of curls beside me. The snoring wasn't me. "WHAT!??! HARRY, GET OUT!!"

"Good morning, Beautiful." He said. His morning voice is so HOTT. Woah. Not. Hot. I. Don't. Like. Harry.

I was furious now. "Harry, I mean it. GET OUT!"

"Don't worry. Nothing happened yesterday." He answered.

Then why was he in my bed. "Why are you in my bed?!"

"We walked to your house yesterday and you wouldn't let me sleep on the couch." Harry explained.

Oh, thank goodness. I walked into the bathroom and changed out of my pajamas. I whispered to myself. "Day 4."


-Eleanor's POV-

I woke up early today to catch a flight to Canada. I am going to surprise everyone. I'm just so lucky that the photographer got sick. I mean, not so lucky for him but I get to see Louis and the boys and Renee.

I woke up Perrie. Perrie was supposed to stay with her sick aunt but her mom came to take care of her. We were going to surprise our boyfriends and the rest of the guys.

"Perrie get ready." I said.

She lazily got up and dragged herself to the bathroom. Im guessing shes not a morning person but I'm quite the morning person. I texted Louis. 'Hey, babe :* Where are you?'

I sat down on the hotel bed and set my phone down after the text. I heard it ringing. I read the text. 'Hi, Ellie. I'm at the hotel. Miss you lotss <3'

I remembered the hotel he was staying at. He told me before he got on the plane. 'Okay. Lou, I miss and love you <3'


We got to the hotel and asked what room One Direction are staying in.

"465,466,467" The lady answered.

But which one is Louis staying in? "Do happen to know which room Louis or Zayn is staying in?" I asked.

"No, sorry."

We walked to the elevator and pressed 4. Perrie ran down the hall trying to find 465, 466 or 467. I yelled since she was so far away. "Someone's excited."

"You don't know how much I missed him." Perrie shouted back.

I actually did know. "I have a boyfriend too, you know? I think I know how it feels."

She stopped at a door and knocked. I ran to that door and stood beside her. Danielle answered the door. "Oh my! Hi!"

We hugged her and she asked. "I thought you guys were busy."

"Mom came." Perrie explained.

I added. "Photographer got sick."

Liam came to the door. "Welcome to Canada!"

"Thanks. Where is Zayn and Louis' rooms?" Perrie asked. That excited little girl. I am excited too but she is so anxious.

"They actually share a room. The one next door." Danielle pointed to the room.

I thanked them and rushed to the other door. I knocked on it.

Niall answered the door. "Guys! I think you might wanna come to the door." You can hear the footsteps getting closer to the door.

When they got to the door we yelled. "SURPRISE!"

I was welcomed with a kiss from Louis.

-Perrie's POV-

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