Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Unexpected Date

I woke up in my hotel room i've been staying in for a week now. I got into the shower and got dressed. I wore a pair of light wash shorts and a floral tank top. I am going shopping for new clothes for my performances.

I arrived here and i already made my name. I am opening two concerts this week. One for Justin Bieber and One Direction. I am a fan of Justin, Belieber but not so much for One Direction but i got signed by them. I like some of their songs, Little Things, Live While Were Young, Heart Attack but i don't find them attractive.


I had already bought an outfit, 2 dresses. One of the dresses is blue and has a bow in the front. The other is a coral color, high-low dress and with all the dresses I'm going to wear nude pumps. I was sat down in the food court texting Liam. I had all the boy's numbers and i got Justin's.

From: Liam

'Hey, Renee! The mates and i were wondering if we could see you before the show?'

I wrote back. 'Sure. Would today @ around 5ish be okay??'

From: Liam

'That sounds great. Come to my hotel room, 212.'

I checked the time and it was 3:34. I decided it was best to head back to my suite.


I had an hour left of whatever the heck i wanted to do. I made up my mind, i am going to practice my songs.

I got a unexpected call. I didn't bother to check the caller ID.


"Hey, Its Liam. You coming?" The voice spoke.

I got really shocked, i totally lost track of time. "Yeah, sorry. I lost track of time. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Okay, see you."



I rode a taxi to his hotel. I thanked the man and paid. I got into the hotel and i walked up to the lady in the front.

"Hi." I said to get her attention. Her chair was turned around, i guess she was looking for something. When she turned around i saw her. She had glasses and red lipstick on. She looked like a posh, snooty rich lady.

She answered. "What can i do for you, hun?"

WOW! I expected her to be like. "What do you want kid?" I am a bit stunned but i replied. "Uhm, Liam Payne wanted to see me. Can i have his room number, please?"


"Thank you."

I headed for the elevator and pressed 2. I walked out and mumbled '212' over and over again. When i got there i knocked on the door. Louis answered the door. "Hey, love." He moved tot he side to let me in.

I walked in. "Hi."

Everyone was here. Liam, Louis, Niall, Harry and Zeen. They were sat on the bed and Simon Cowell was in the room. HOLY SHEETS! Simon Cowell is in the same room as me. Simon started talking. "Hello, we need to get down to business."

"Okie dokes."

"You want to get more famous, right?" Simon said and i nodded. "We need you to umm-"

Niall tried to finish for him but ended laughing instead.

Louis finished for them. "Geez, I'll say it. Love, you have to date Harry to get popular."

"WHAT! No affence." I pointed to Harry. "but I barely know him and i came here to make music."

Once Upon a Time...  You Came (Harry Styles)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz