Chapter 46

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“A lot of garlic?”

“And two more servings of pork neck please.”

As soon as their unfriendly server walked away, Park Yeon-Ah lowered her voice and chided Woo-Jin, “We've already ordered five servings and we haven't grilled two of them yet.”

“I felt bad that we kept asking for more garlic and nothing else since it's rather expensive these days,” Woo-Jin responded.

“Garlic really is expensive these days. Honestly, when the part-timer asked 'Just garlic?' I flinched a little too. Mr. Kang Min-Ho, please eat in moderation.” Park Yeon-Ah was very aware of the food prices because she cooked her own meals. She seemed to share the same sentiment as Woo-Jin as she glared at Kang Min-Ho.

“Garlic isn't that expensive,” responded Kang Min-Ho.

“Its price has gone up so much these days! I went to the grocery store yesterday and was so shocked after seeing the price,” added Woo-Jin.

“Do you think it's just garlic? Everything except for our pay has gone up..” A bond of sympathy developed between Park Yeon-Ah and Woo-Jin as they looked at each other and nodded grimly over the prices of groceries.

“Well, Mr. Kang Min-Ho, you're one of the top supporting actors these days so you must be getting paid more and more. That's probably why you're not bothered by little things like that, right?”

“Hey, I live with my parents. Why would I still need to go grocery shopping? I just eat whatever they buy for me; how would I know how much anything costs? And let's get this straight – Woo-Jin is the most well-paid actor out of the three of us.” Kang Min-Ho felt what they were saying was unfair and pounced on Woo-Jin.

It was true that in the first place, Woo-Jin was the most well-paid actor out of the three of them. Kang Min-Ho and Park Yeon-Ah had not been the production team's top choices. In terms of appearance and acting skills, the two of them had been the best options in the limited pool of actors, but since the casting was still unsatisfactory, they were naturally paid less.

On the other hand, Chae Woo-Jin was an actor that the writer and production director had wanted to cast by all means. Fortunately, the role had piqued Woo-Jin's interest and he ended up liking the character, so it worked out. However, the problem was CEO Jang. He did not want his artist to waste his time on a less than ideal role, so he actively opposed Woo-Jin's decision. But because of that, the production team took Woo-Jin's school schedule into account and was very flexible with the shooting schedule, as well as paying him well for the drama.

“The reason why I'm paid well is because the CEO of my agency is good at negotiating. I have nothing else to say about it.”

“Well, it's also because the writer really wanted to cast you in the drama. I heard that the moment she saw you in Death Hill, she exclaimed that you were exactly what she imagined Louie to be. I wonder exactly what kind of Louie she had in mind. “

Kang Min-Ho shook his head as if saying that no matter how much he thought about it, he could not understand it. In the movie Death Hill, Woo-Jin's character had been a depraved and very emotional person. On the other hand, in the City of Shadows, Louie was, at a glance, a soft-hearted and weak-looking murderer. Because he learned nothing and knew nothing about the world, Louie was a naive person who lacked emotions with child-like cruelty. So, even when Louie was obsessed with love, he was not someone who was emotionally passionate in nature. There were no similarities between the two contrasting characters Woo-Jin had played before. Kang Min-Ho was curious what Writer Yoo had seen in loan shark A because he could not tell what it was at all.

“It's not that complicated – she just liked his face. His face was the only thing that appealed to her,” said Park Yeon-Ah.

“Ah…” Upon hearing Park Yeon-Ah's simple explanation, Kang Min-Ho nodded, and Woo-Jin covered his face with both hands. Woo-Jin became serious as he wondered where this image of a killer was hiding in his face.

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