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Hello and welcome to a new story.

If you're a returning reader, welcome back friend, and if this is our first meeting then hello, I'm Hildurr, it's so nice to have you here! 

To get the important things done first i would like to emphasize that this story is a work of fiction, the characters within it are actors and do not reflect the real people owning the same names and faces as those of this story. 

This is also an ongoing project that will be updated irregularly based on when I finish a chapter. HOWEVER, I do have a patreon where sections of the new chapters will be on a weekly update schedule, and after their initial early access availability for patrons they become public over there and anyone can read them. 

I'm available to answer questions about my stories or anything else you would want to ask either in messages here, on patreon or on twitter (links are found in my bio here on wattpad)

Now that all of that is taken care of, i hope you enjoy my story and leave lots of comments and votes <3


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