Chapter 3

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Aizawa was suprised. All Might was suprised. Everyone was suprised. He normaly didn't care about who he was teamed up with. And Mina was his friend. But when they looked at her face and saw a small smile, they knew it wasn't the case.

"What...?" Eraser Head whispered. It would make more sence if Bakugou wanted to exchange partners with Kaminari not team up with him. He knew the two problem children were dating so he just asumed it was attempt to make Midoriya jealous.

"Fine whatever."

"Thanks..." Bakugo said and looked at Mina who gave him a proud smile.

They slowly walked up to Kaminari and Midoriya. Bakugou didn't even looked at Deku, grabbed other blond's hand and pulled him away. The greenhaired boy wanted to approche him but Mina stood in the way and gave him a fake smile.

"Sooo Midoriya-kun! What't our plan?" the boy just sighed when his ex was too far away and turned his attention to pinkhaired girl infront of him.

When the two blonds lost sight of them they stopped.

"Thank you..." Kaminari sighed.

"Whatever. Just to let you know, don't slow me down. Were gonna win, understood?" Bakugou looked away.

"Sure." the other boy gave him a small smile.

"Well then that's solved. Now let me announce which teams will go against each other.


It was now a second match and the two blond were villains and Iida and Tsuyu were heros.

"Well do you have a plan Bakubro?"

"Let's murder them."

"... Anything else?" Kaminari rolled his eyes.

"Nope that's it."

"Fine." the other boy sighed. "You can go find them and beat the living hell out of them and I will keep the eye on the figurines." he pointed at the plastic people that the heros were supposed to save. "If they will split up and one of them will get here first I'll just electrificate them." he shrugged. Over the time in UA he manage to control his quirk and had better stamina. He was going to the gym often with Kirishima and even if he didn't have muscles like him or Bakugou he was stronger. He also got taller like the other boys in class and now he was 6'0, just five centimeters shorter than Sero. Bakugou grew too and he was now 5'11. Denki was so happy that he outgrew him. Not to mention he doesn't go dumb after he over use his power anymore and that made him one of the strongest in class.

"Ha, sounds good." Bakugou smirked when he heard he can beat the crap out of them. He didn't really care that one of their opponents was a girl.

"Three, two, one, go!" they heard from the speaker.

"Good luck Bakubro." Kaminari waved at him and Bakugo disappeared.


"Wait they separated?" Momo was confused as she watched Bakugou leaving the room. The class was now in the room full of monitors and watched the match.

"That wasn't really a smart move." Todoroki said and some of the classmates agreed.

"Hey that's Tsu! She manage to hide herself and it's getting close to Kaminari." Uraraka pointed. It was indeed true. Bakugou was busy fighting Iida and didn't notice Tsuyu ran away.

"I wonder how Kaminari will manage to fight her. She's really strong." Mineta murmured.

The electrification boy didn't really show his full power to his classmates yet. There wasn't a chance cause they were mainly writing exams in their second year and the beggining of the third one. This was a first time in few month that he could show them how much he had improved. He was training hard and was exited to show everyone. Bakugou didn't hide his new skills. He was showing off often so everyone knew how strong he was. The other in class improved their powers a lot in their first year so now it wasn't really different. They were just more skillful.

"Here she comes!" Hagakure yelled and everyone turned from watching Bakugou's and Iida's fight to Tsuyu who was now infront of the doors that Kaminari was in.

She jumped inside and stuck out her tongue to take the figurines. But before she could react, Kaminari grabbed her tongue, spinned her around so her tongue was tangled around her body and gently electrificated her.

Everyone's jaw dropped as they stared at unconscious girl on the floor while Kaminari was standing there without any bruises. He took her and tied her to the chair near by. He just needed to protect the figurines from heros and wait until the time was up. He got one and was hoping Bakugou will capture Iida.

"Wha- what just happened?" Jirou stuttered.

"I- Well young Kaminari got so much stronger than I remember." All Might said.

"I'm suprised that he managed to be quick enough grab her tongue. She has an incredible control over it." Tokoyami said.

"When did he learned that?" Midoriya asked.

"Don't know but he did tell me he was training a lot during summer break." Sero said.

They were speachless. It wasn't someting they would expect. Then Bakugou came back with unconscious Iida on his shoulders. They watched them as they exchange few words and Bakugou tied the class president on the pole. Then they sat down and waited until the time was up or the heros will wake up.


"Wow, I'm quite impressed. How were you able to beat her." Bakugo smirked as he layed down.

Kaminari just shrugger and sat next to him. "I got better at fighting."

"Aahahahah not bad Dunce face." and Kaminari just rolled his eyes playfuly

"Team Bakugou and Kaminari is the winner." they heard from a speaker.

"Ha! I knew we'll win." Bakugou jumped on his knees.

"Well good for us." Kaminari grinned as he watched robots taking Tsuyu and Iida to Recovery Girl.

They walk in the room where the rest of class were still in awe of Kaminari's performance.

"The heck? What's wrong with them?" Bakugou asked when he saw their faces. The other just shrugged.

"Well I'm... I'm happy. You two did good out there." Aizawa manage to get out of himself.

"Good job young Bakugou and young Kaminari. I'm proud." All Might clapped.

"Thank you sir." Kaminari lithly bowed while Bakugou just hummed.

"Let's continue. Next is Uraraka and Sero against Midoriya and Mina."

"Good I can finally kick his ass. Bastard." Sero whispered to himself.

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