Chapter 3

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E/n looks at the person and a look of fear washes over his face; he quickly lets go of you. “N-no, I’m fine babe.” You say. “Okay then, we should get going then.” He says while lightly pulling you with him. “Yes, we should.” You say. You both make it out of the doors and he lets go of you and asks “Are you okay? I saw and heard everything that happened.” Your eyes widen in shock that a stranger would care. “Yeah, I’m good. Thank you though, for getting me out of there.” You say as he walks you to your car. “You’re welcome…?” He says whilst prolonging ‘welcome’. “Oh, my name is y/n.” You say understanding. “Y/n…” He repeats to himself while studying your features. “That’s a beautiful name; my name is h/n.” He states. “Thank you- Wait. Did you say your name was h/n?” You ask. Maybe it’s a coincidence you think, but he has the same name as e/n’s older brother. “Yes?” He says questioningly. You reach your car and open the door which makes the automatic lights turn on. “That’s funny, you’ve got the same name as his big brother.” You say pointing to e/n “Y/n..” He says getting your attention. You look up at him and you’re met with (h/e/c) eyes and your breath hitches and your eyes widen as you realize that the man standing in front of you is actually H/n and that it’s not just some coincidence…

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