No witnesses...

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FUN FACT!! After this chapter we're officially 3/5ths done with this story !! That kinda means we're on season 2 ~
Also I'd always thought I'd have introduced this before such a moment would happen but I didn't so here's some important info :

Aquarius, Pisces and Sagittarius are all neighbours, as in their houses are literally next door to each other with Pisces' being in between.

Anyway~... Enjoy the chapter!

 Enjoy the chapter!✨

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Sagittarius' POV :

"I'm a fucking genius" I thought to myself, perfectly happy with how I'd planned this evening.

If half of the class was gonna have a pool party why shouldn't I? I smiled to myself, sipping my kool aid and wonderfully floating in my duck inflatable.

It's Calm, Peaceful and there's nothing in this world left to bother m- "Heyyy~ Sagittarius"

If it were anyone else's voice I would've shrieked, but for him however gagged.

And lord knows that these pool floaties made me nauseous enough...

"Who in their right FUCKING mind invited the newly Single Pringle?" I hissed, slowly turning in my giant pool ducky to see the living eye sore.

He waved, I flipped him off only to then choke when I saw Taurus step out from the shadows in all her terrifying glory and a nice bathing suit on which let me believe she planned to stay.

But It's safe to say that even my duck couldn't have saved me and I soon found myself falling underwater.

I am however quite proficient at the doggy paddle, so I soon found myself doing the 'slightly cold' waddle over to the towels.

They covered my gorgeous body but sacrifices had to be made.

"Sooo Tatiii~, I see you put the whole 'shunning me' thing to rest " I smiled at her and only got a side eye from the girl.

"She told me to tell you that you aren't forgiven and-" A quick push had the guy now drowning in the pool and me face to face with my bfff (: Best Friend for Fucking Forever )
Who now avoided even looking at the air around me.

"Okay cut the crap Taur, I've been suffering like this for a WEEK!" I cried, grabbing her hand which she only half heartedly allowed and got down on one knee.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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