Seasonal Sickness

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Aries's POV

" Ok, let me ask you this again and remember to use words" Gemini said to me in a forcefully calm tone to which I nodded understandingly.
"Why are you on the floor?"

"Cuz Carpet's fluffy" I answered seriously, while adjusting the blanket around me.

It took Gem a while to process my response and I could see by the twitch in his eye that he was now struggling to remain calm.

I wonder how long it'll take me to make him pop a blood vessel if I continue to play fake delirious...
I wondered, while not even bothering to hide my amusement when he started trying to calm his breathing down.

I'd not been kind to my ridiculously patient, nurse, Gemini. But it was partly his fault for surviving my torture so well!

He'd earned my respect, but my kindness?
Hell no...

Gemini was now a player in my ' How long will it take! ' Game, and so far he was in third place.
Which was a little impressive to be honest.

"Ok, but isn't the couch better for you?"
He asked me, in a tone that made it sound as if I were a child.

"Nope. The carpet's superior" I confirmed, once again earning a scream like groan from him

"Hey Gemi~" Aquarius sung an odd version of his name while smirking up at him.
All the while Gemini and mine's eyes widened.

"Are you talking to me??" He asked for clarification. A reasonable thing when being called by the only delirious person in the room.

But the nurse didn't have to know that.

"Yes youuu, who else!!" She answered in a sickly yet weirdly sweet tone all the while she laid on her back, wrapped like a burrito between two soft sheets.

Gemini hesitated for a bit before answering with a red face, "okkk~, I think it's time to check how high's your fever gotten"

He placed his hand on her forehead earning an oddly chilling smile from her
"Awww thank you love" She cooed in a grateful manner

"I'm actually gonna puke, that's cuz I'm sick, but what's your excuse for looking so ill?"
I asked the tomato like man as I got up to sit against the TV stand.

"She's never talked to me like this ok!" He whisper yelled to me.
"So you can hardly blame me for reacting like this!" 
Gemini added, gesturing to his face, whilst trying to defend himself from the embarrassment of never receiving affection from his evident crush.

"So you've fucked but never had her flirt with you, that's a little sad-" I spoke or at least tried to, only to have Gem plaster his hand on mouth.

"Let's not remind her of the past Ari"
He spoke to me in a low, serious tone and It left me a bit confused until I saw how Aquarius had the same expression as me.

That had me huff out an amused laugh as I swatted his hand away.

"You do realize I'm memorizing every embarrassing word uttered so I can mess with her once she's sane?" I ask quietly, only to have him glare harder at me.

"That includes yours" I said evilly, followed by a low chuckle.
Which was apparently something my soar throat couldn't handle and I ended up having a little coughing fit.

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