𝟬𝟴. 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲

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There have been occasions when Meerab had the choice to come with Murtasim every time they attended some function but she invariably chose Azhaan over him. He never bothered about what she does knowing their bond since childhood, she feels more comfortable and secure around him than any other man and he is aware of this fact. However, he feels troubled. Things were changing for him drastically and the rest stuck around the same for Meerab, she didn't seem affected by anything.

He never realized their disagreements were pushing her away from him and more towards Azhaan. At this point, she authorized him more and would always count on him foremost than Murtasim. He feels enraged by the thought that the two might secretly have something cooking between them. Being well aware that his mother would happily give Meerab's hand to Azhaan was more than enough to grow vexation towards their bond even more.

Murtasim's palm turned into a tight fist when she took her eyes off him and monitored at Azhaan. Nothing was enough to calm down him rather wired thoughts struck out his mind to keep them away from each other.

"I will go with Murtasim" Meerab's voice echoed in his ears soon after he veered around to unlock the car's door for himself and get in earlier before losing his mind and doing the unthinkable. He has been acting unbelievably raged after catching a glimpse of Meerab and Azhaan together, especially optimistic around them.

His eyes dilated with ambush when her proclamation proceeded to echo in his ears not being able to acknowledge she agreed to go with him without even asking. When she darted back at him with a little smile making all his anger vanished into ash. He never had an idea about how her single smile could do wonders to his heart and mind taking his breath away─sometimes it felt unreal to feel everything he had been feeling for days but it does not appears awry to feel in such a way.

Azhaan gives an affiliated smile at the duo finding it difficult to accept this new situation, it is strange for him to believe she wishes to go with Murtasim when it's her, who would find it sinful to breathe the same in the air he breathed. He has even noticed Murtasim today who was mostly around Meerab tonight and she has been dealing with him friendly like they have grown a little closer in his absence.

He dismissed this entire evening knowing the sour relationship they shared which is beyond damaged to repair and he shouldn't worry about them befriending each other. A spontaneous insecurity evolves up in his mind regarding them, fearing losing Meerab to Murtasim.

Taking a deep breath he shrugged his thoughts off immediately after a moment. He suddenly felt remorseful of developing jealous towards his brother whom he claims to love more than anyone else. How can he feel insecure about them growing a little bond together, It's not a great deal and then it was he who always yearned for them to solve their conflicts to keep all reunited.

Murtasim and Meerab can never fall for each other─they can not stand one another. They can not  begin to fall even little or develop feelings towards each other. Azhaan reminded more like pacifying himself to calm down.

Inhaling a deep breath he smiled "Enemies are making an effort to bond together, incredible" he said moving his eyes from Murtasim to Meerab scanning their faces to read expressions. She appeared too normal to doubt but Murtasim had been weird since evening, most probably from days since he decided to stay back in the house.

She smiled off chuckling at him "No. I'm doing this for you because you are tired and dropping me first and then going back would cause you trouble" she said genuinely. Well, at the same time, she didn't want Murtasim to feel left out. Her conversation with him gave her an idea about his inner turmoil, he won't express his wishes but in the end, he's the same Murtasim she has known since childhood.

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