"He has been beside himself. He was desperate to find you."

"Because... he loves me?"

I nodded, smiling. She wiped the tears from her rosy cheeks. "I suppose I should go talk to him."

"He would like that very much, Isabella."

"How do I look?" she asked. "I've been crying. And I'm also wearing these ugly dark clothes because I was sad."

"You look beautiful. Now go."

She took a deep breath and smiled, then she raced towards her love. His face lit up as she approached him and they held each other tight.

Nicholas gave them some privacy and we walked towards each other, meeting in the middle. He wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I assume by the looks of that, everything went well?"

I nodded. "I'm pretty sure we're over that little hurdle. Happier times to look forward to now."

"Thank the Lord," he replied, squeezing my waist gently.

"We should get going. Get her back to the Valentines before someone figures out what's going on."

"Wait. Let's give them a minute."

I glanced up at him and he was trying his hardest to hold back a smile.

"Nicholas Clay, do you know something I don't know?"

His smile grew but he didn't take his eyes off of the couple.

"Just watch," was all he said.

I watched Isabella and Robbie with interest, wondering what was about to happen.

The couple pulled away from their embrace and Robbie said a few words to Isabella which we were unable to hear. Then he dropped to one knee.

"Oh my... Is he proposing?"

"Mm-hm," Nicholas replied. "He just informed me that if Isabella ever forgave him, he would propose to her on the spot. He doesn't want to waste anymore time."

"That's so romantic. And we get to witness it. Can we step closer so we can hear them?"

"Just a little. Let's give them their privacy."

We took a few steps forward and Isabella was watching with her mouth gaping as Robbie rummaged through a pocket on the inside of his coat. He finally pulled out a white handkerchief, unfolded it carefully, and with it still resting on his open hand, held it up in front of her.

She gasped, covering her mouth with her hands.

"I can't offer you a fancy ring," we heard Robbie say, "but I can offer you a life full of happiness if you choose me. This road that we're on now, leads to our future together. I promise you the house that is at the end of this road will be ours soon. We will grow old there, the children will grow up there, and hopefully new lives will be born there. I was scared, Isabella. But with you by my side, I have nothing to be afraid of. Isabella Caroline Shore, will you choose to walk down this road with me as my wife?"

"Good God, that kid outdid me," Nicholas murmured.

"What are you talking about? Your proposal to me was beautiful."

"We were both half-naked in the living room."

I shrugged. "Well, I thought it was beautiful. Maybe don't tell people about the half-naked thing, though."

He chuckled.

Isabella nodded frantically at his question, this time wiping happy tears from her eyes. After Robbie slipped the ring onto her finger and they kissed, I had to fight back tears myself.

When Robins Appear (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now