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Hello Readers,

There is something important I want to clarify with you all regarding the story, especially regarding the character Samairaa.
First, making this story a sequel to Beyond Reality Veil is the worst idea I have ever had, so people, Samairaa isn't an imagination in the story.
And the most important thing is that many of you didn't like Samairaa's behaviour in the last two updates. So regarding that, this is what Samairaa is. She is harsh, cruel, and bad.Life is not all strawberry and chocolate; it's dark.

I never intend to make this a typical Wattpad fanfic where everything is sweet and beautiful.
I want to show the harsh reality of life through the characters of Karishma and Samairaa. Thus, Samairaa will be the villain and her character graph will go more down .

Furthermore, the story will not have good ending. So, if you guys want to leave you can. There will be good moments but there will be some distributing moments too.

Thank You, for loving this character this much.

And don't worry you will get the proper backstory of the new characters too, only if you guys don't get mad at me for showing less KarEena or Karishma.

The choice is all yours.


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