▹ break time.

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Note: any dialogue in underlined italics is being said in Korean - Leo & Lisa speak in English to each other.

Note: any dialogue in underlined italics is being said in Korean - Leo & Lisa speak in English to each other

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"What about this one ?"

Leo shakes his head, eyes instructing she put the can down and move on.

Lisa tries again. "This one ?"

Again, the older shakes his head and puts this one down himself this time, and pushes her further away from the energy drinks section.

"Okay wait !" Lisa grabs a can without even looking at, eager to have a more tasteful drink than h20. "This..."

Leo raises a single brow at the rather large can of Red Bull in her hand, and Lisa immediately gives up on her quest. She places it back down with a huff, willingly now allowing Leo to drag her towards the other fridges. There, he pulls out a six-pack of water with a grin that only makes the younger girl scowl more.

"It's good for you."

"It's boring."

Leo chuckles to himself as he pays, the girl making her way out of the little convenience store in YG and decides to wait for the older outside. At first Lisa didn't get why he wanted to go all the way down to the first floor for water when there's a perfectly fine and refreshing water dispenser in the practice room; she took the opportunity to maybe sneak in an energy drink, but when he said he was paying, she knew her attempts would fail - still, it didn't hurt to try (and fail).

On their way Lisa slowly realised Leo's true motives. Once she left the practice room, her tensed body immediately started to relax, and her thoughts became less stressful as they strolled further away. Although it was Lisa's idea to have Leo stare in her Lilifilm series, and of course she's more than excited to dance with one of her best friends, it doesn't make things less stressful - if anything, it makes it more so.

She's a perfectionist, and Leo knows this. He could clearly see how she nitpicked where it wasn't needed, and how she focused on "flaws" that weren't even there as they practiced. She needed to leave that space for while, even if it's for a moment, to just breath a different kind of air. When she realised Leo's actions she smiled secretly to herself, and she just became even more grateful for having him in her life.

"Woah," Lisa's eyes widen when Leo returns with way more bagsvthan she had initially seen him with. "Planning to grace the whole building ?"

"Nah, thought we'd drop by your juniors on the way back," Leo explains as they start walking back the way they came. A couple rooms down Leo had noticed some familiar faces through the window on the door.

"They have a water dispenser though."

"I know, I'm not bringing them water."

Brows raised, Lisa immediately starts to dive into a packet as they walked. She let's out a loud gasp at the variety if snacks in it, but her eyes begin narrow when she spots a familiar looking can.

"So the teenagers can have energy drinks but I can't ?" she glares up at Leo, who pays the look no mind and just chuckles in response.

Being a kind and thoughtful senior always came naturally to Leo, and he always found it highly amusing how juniors would gush and grow incredibly nervous in his presence. The Treasure members were no different, and some of the younger ones hands even shook slightly when retrieving the bag of snacks gently from Leo's grasp. Lisa hugged a couple of the ones she was pretty close with, whilst she shook the hands of those she didn't see as often. Leo couldn't help but notice a pair of eyes trained on him, the feeling unshakable yet one he's grown accustomed to.

"Yoshi right ?"

The boys cheeks almost resemble his cherry red hair as he jumps back at being called out. "Ye-yes sunbaenim." his neck automatically bends in a small bow.

"Cute," Leo's hand comes up to ruffle the red hair on the timid boy's head, his breath halting in his throat as he smiles shyly.

"Okay, quit teasing my juniors will ya." Lisa drags Leo by his arm towards the dorm, the older still smiling sweetly at Yoshi, who was just about ready to sink to the floor.

Bidding the group of boys a goodbye, the pair head back to their practice room, and Leo grins to himself when he notices that his partner seemed more relaxed now. His plan had worked; he nonchalantly hands her the single bag in his hand before pulling open the door for her.

"That energy drink is for after practice. After." there's a smidgen of warning in his gaze, but he can't ignore the way his heart melts at the cute sight of the girl perking up immediately.

"Thanks Jae !" she side-hugs him tightly before skipping into the room.


❛ 𝐥𝐞𝐨. 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now