Chapter thirty three

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Third Person POV 

Jungkook entered the art club room, looking for Hoseok and Yoongi. The three of them decided to come here without meeting up in the locker room today.

He stood in the middle of the room, not finding any of the familiar faces. Jimin, Yeji and Taehyung were also not there.

"What's wrong, Jungkook?" Lisa asked from behind, about to go sit next to her partner.

"Do you know where Yoongi and Hobi hyung are?" He asked, not knowing what to do. When they enter the club room daily, there's always Yeji and the others there to greet them. Jimin to annoy him and Taehyung to nullify the effect and make him want to be here.

"Sorry, I have no idea. You can ask the art leader. She's over there." Lisa pointed out the leader who was in a serious discussion with the art instructor.

Jungkook would rather wait than interrupt a conversation for his curiosity. He walked towards the far left corner of the room where Taehyung is usually seated, near the window.

He greeted the other juniors, low-key shocked at how close Soobin had his face to Yeonjun's. One move and they could kiss. Jungkook shook his head with a slight blush, feeling like he imagined something he shouldn't have.

The door of the storage room which was right next to the window opened up, revealing the person he found endearing and excited to meet these days.

Taehyung held a few files, exiting the room and swinging it shut by his foot. A warm happy smile was on his face when he saw Jungkook standing right in front of him.

"Hey." Taehyung put the files down, offering his hand for a handshake. So far, he was successful in hiding his crush on the boy, simply enjoying the interactions and time with him.

"Hi . . ." Jungkook shook his hand, thinking how Taehyung's hand was so soft and delicate. He was unable to look away, wondering what the hell was wrong with his heart and why was it so ecstatic to see Taehyung, "Where is everybody?"

"Oh, Yeji and Hoseok hyung sneaked off during our basketball practice so they're with Jin hyung. He's briefing their punishment. Jiminie is also there, he had to help Namjoon hyung out for a while. I don't know where Yoongi hyung is."

Jungkook nodded, finding Taehyung's voice soft and serene. He was puzzled, not knowing why he was having such thoughts.

"You okay?" The blue-haired boy stepped closer to him, making his heart skip a beat.


"Y-Yes, I am." Jungkook gave him a baffled smile, wanting to smack himself.

Taehyung nodded with a smile, "I'll be right back," Picking up his files, he went to Lia, discussing something with her about the themes. Since the club merge would end in a while, their submissions of the themes were also rescheduled.

What's wrong with me?

Jungkook leaned against the window, eyes unable to be off from Taehyung. He had to force himself to look away so that he wouldn't look like a creep.

It seemed that the other four would take a while so Lia told Taehyung to do activities with Jungkook. The blue-haired boy was more than glad, although a little worried that he might be too obvious.

After a while, both were seated on stools in the same corner, near the window. Their easels had sketch papers in front of them. They were about to sketch a decor piece placed in the middle of the room.

Jungkook was grateful Jimin wasn't here right now. He'd just brief it and do his own work. How would this poor boy know it was a part of Jimin's planning?

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