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I'm so so so sorry you guys have been waiting on the next chapter. There's been some stuff going on in my life and now my almost 1 year old might be sick. With covid going around our area really bad rn I'm pretty nervous.
I have started on the next 2 chapters, even tho I've got writers block with both 😭. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get the next few chapters out but I will be writing on them when I get the chance.
Super sorry again everyone... I'm also debating on making the chapters a bit shorter so I don't get burnt out so quickly with it. I absolutely do not plan on abandoning this book bc I've got hella ideas for it. It might just take a bit to get them out 🥲. Thank you for reading even this far. I really love writing and I'm hoping to eventually write something of my own one day. Hopefully it doesn't take me as long as these next chapters are 😂.
Anyways, hope y'all have a good morning, day, or night wherever you are ♥️

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