Girl's Sleepover (All the female cast)

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After everything bad that's happened, the girls decide to have a sleepover, at both Hachiko and Kemono Woods High School

This is not a ship chapter, I will do the male version eventually


Quick Note: The IF series are Fan Made games of PA, they are not part of the canon series

Since everyone was free, Mittens came up with the idea. She dialed Coco about it, who subsequently told Brownie, and then it was spread on both Kemono and Hachiko high

Mittens told Ginger, Tigger, Rose, and Jady about the idea and they were in. On the other side, Brownie told Noel, Holly, and Luna. Noel then told it to Windy, Windy was a bit hesitant at first but it would be nice to better know noel and get accustomed to her life

After forming a group consisting of 11 people, the place was decided after a bit of a debate


The first ones to arrive were Brownie and Coco, they met up in Noel's mansion. It was pretty much the place everyone could locate a bit near Hachiko High and they had enough space

"Well, I brought everything I could need" - Brownie said excitedly as Coco used the doorbell

Soon they were answered by Noel - "Oh, Coco Brownie, come in!"

"Alright, here we go!" - Brownie said happily as Noel told them to go inside

Coco and Brownie were a bit surprised due to Noel's house

"Wait, we're the first ones to arrive?" - Coco asked, seeing no one around, not even the butler

"That's right, the butler has even taken a couple of days off" - Noel says smiling and sitting down on the couch


Time later a couple of cats wearing wands were walking to Noel's house

"I think it's here, it has been a bit of time since we've come to Kemono town" - Rose says, seeing Noel's mansion

Jady meanwhile uses the doorbell and they wait to be attended by Noel

"You must be Rose and you're Jady I think. Let me open the door" - Noel asks again

"Thank you Noel!" - Rose says smiling and Jady checks her wand

Soon they are brought inside and they meet Coco and Brownie along with Noel

"Hi Rose, hi Jady" - Coco says waving at them as the two cats also sit on another couch

"Cool, we're more people!" - Brownie says excitedly

"Well, about 6 other people will arrive. Hope they don't take too much, we've planned this for about a week or so" - Noel says, turning on the television to kill time

Some 10 minutes later a Siamese and a bloodhound and walking to the entrance

"Well, I hope the rest are already there" - Mittens says as she uses the doorbell

"Yeah, we haven't had an activity like this in ever" - Ginger says, her tail wagging a little

Noel welcomes them in and the magic siblings walk in, meeting the rest of the people present

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