The Difficult Choice - (Ginger, Patches and Sparky)

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Ginger is between two difficult choices, what does she choose. The sporty, friendly and positive husky or the More elegant, mannered and reformed dalmatian who once had her heart some time ago


Ginger was in a dilemma, ever since she had agreed to this sessions and hanging out more often with sparky and patches had brought her two choices. Sparky or Patches, both caught her interest as sparky was very friendly with her and actually helped her to reform herself

Patches on the other hand had unintentionally told her about his personal problems and how everything went downhill, hell she even had charmed her when he was trying to get revenge on angel

But he didn't call her a freak or stood away from her, considering those magic abilities that would have made her an outcast in hachiko highschool

She laid down in her bed to think of something, first she needed to go with both of them somewhere to set up things to come

Then he would need to talk with both on private if she wanted this to succeed. First phase one had to go through


After various minutes she came with a plan, first they could go to the cinema to watch a movie and then they could go to a cafeteria or restaurant of some kind to enjoy a meal at the mall

Then it will be her own skills and actions that will determine the future, she was excited at this idea. Since in some times he had seen sparky and patches act closer, she was hopeful they would all be on the same page that day

"Okay, go for a movie and then go for a meal or look around" - She smiled at her plan, it looked great

Time later she got her phone and dialed sparky, a bit nervous but excited at the same time

"Ginger hello, how are you doing?" - Sparky said happily

"Hi, sparky i-i was wondering if you, me and patches could go to the cinema?"

"Yeah, it sounds very fun, im in it!"

After this, patches recieved a call from sparky, he answered as he sat on the couch

"Hey patches, ginger told me about going to the cinema tomorrow. You're in?"

"Alright, what movie are we going to see?"

"We'll have to plan that with ginger, but don't worry im sure it'll be good"

Patches hanged up the phone shortly after and he smiled as he leaned in the couch, he liked the idea of again hanging out with sparky and ginger


Meanwhile both ginger and sparky were searching for potential movies they could see and asking via Dm's of what day they would be free and what other activities they could do apart from watching the movie

They had planned out to watch a bit of a comedy-romance like movie, ginger though this as perfect, so far everything was going smooth and as planned

They would go to the local mall and then head to the cinema, after that they had suggested they could eat something, oddly enough ginger suggested they could go around the mall after the movie


Days later they were at the mall, ginger was sitting on a bench near the entrance, waiting for sparky and patches to appear. She was anxious, but had grown a bit more confident in part thanks to mittens

"Hey ginger!" - Sparky said as he walked up to her

Ginger smiled and went to hug sparky, wrapping her arms around him, sparky had a faint blush and hugged her back for the moment

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