Home Visit - (Volt and Noel)

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Almosty a week after the hanako land activity, volt is determined to visit noel. But the question is, he had never asked her before and this would be his first challenge

Quick Note: The IF series are Fan Made games of PA, they are not part of the canon series


It was friday after school, volt had arrived at his house and he left his things of his room. But there was something he had forgot to ask noel back on hachiko

He would in a while, but he never asked a girl before to do an activity on private. Usually they all coordinated and volt had no problems because he was going with all his friends

Before all of this he was called to have lunch - I am going!

As he went downstairs he would try to ask his mother and father on what exactly to do in this scenario even before he tries to dial noel. It's a safe bet he thinks

About half an hour later he has finished eating and had proceed to ask his mother and father for any tips 


Now he was on his bedroom, thinking about what his parents told him - So, be yourself, be nice and....dont overthink about it.....okay

After thinking for a moment, he stood up from his bed - Alright, that's it!

Dialing and Waiting..... - Volt used his phone to dial noel and he waited a bit excited

Noel picked up her phone - Hello?

Hanging up! - Volt said after he hanged up the call and sat on his bed

"No, you gotta do this" - Volt dials again on his phone and waits

"Hello, volt?"

Oh, hi noel i-i...remember that you said one weekend i could go...v-visit you? - Volt asked a bit nervously

"Yeah, my parents aren't going to be this weekend, so that means you can freely visit me"

"At what hour i can go?"

"Well, how about after breakfast. I will send you the location"

"O-okay, i-i will see you tomorrow!" - Volt hangs up and he starts to celebrate a little

After this, he lays on the bed and sighs in relief

"Are you winning son?" - Volt's father asks as he is outside volt's room

Yes dad! - Volt said happily as he laid on his bed 


On noel's side, she was happy that volt had taken the step forward. Now all that mattered was to wait for tomorrow

She was then informed by the butler that lunch is ready, noel then got off the bed and walked downstairs to eat

Her parents would be off for a reunion on saturday and they would be back on sunday's morning, so that meant that they would have the full day to enjoy

Noel sent him a list of things they could do, from hanging out near the mansion, use the pool her home had, watch movies.etc


Next Morning Volt wakes up with anticipation, he goes downstairs to have breakfast

"Mom, i-i will go to noel's house in some hours" - Volt says happily

"I hope you enjoy, your dad  is free to drive you there"

Volt smiles and keepss eating his breakfast. After about an hour or two he is getting ready with his usual clothes and charges up his phone just in case he needs to

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