Start from the beginning

" Talking about duty, you wouldn't mind telling me why a anbu personally came to inform you of Hokage sama's summon? " asked Sakura turning back to him.

" It's hardly a secret, since Kurama literally called me out last night: I was called to start my first official duty as part of the anbu black ops, I mean there are something's I'm yet to do. But I'll get around to them, since things are still mellow due to peace " said Konohamaru with a shrug.

" You told me a while back that your parents were anbu, did you join up because of them? " she asked, " of course not. I made a deal with Hokage sama, my duty as a anbu is only temporary, "

" You made a deal, what kind of deal? ", " a simple one. I offer to serve as anbu, until I get married. Which isn't something that's going to be happening anytime soon, " said Konohamaru.

" Cause I don't want to be like my parents, whom hardly had time for me growing up and still don't. I want to be able to be there for my family, when that time finally comes ".

Sakura scoffs, " we're all growing up so fast, talking about marriage and families of our own. It feels just like yesterday, when I still played around in the academy with Ino and ignored Naruto, while being obsequious over Sasuke " said Sakura.

" Hn, " he shook his head, " I don't think I like that version of you very much. Wait, weren't you more or so like that as a genin too? Big brother, would always get mad because you were too busy liking Sasuke to notice him "

Sakura smiled reminiscing all the memories of those awful times, then after a little while something dawns on her and she made a startling clap of her hands.

" Quick question. Do you think it would be right of me, if I just let Sasuke walk away and leave his life, despite everything he's put me through? " asked Sakura expectantly.

Konohamaru scratches his temple, " If I was still slow witted I would say, 'haven't you broken up with him?' But fortunately I'm not, so all I can say is follow your big and generous heart, which as loved Sasuke for a long time and it will guide you to the right choice. " said Konohamaru.

Sakura smiles softly. " You're truly the best brother. Okay, come on, walk me home, " said Sakura walking over and hooking her arms with Konohamaru's.

" Now, that's a task that needs no wit ".


" When you go in, I beg you. Get something to eat, take your time before going to bed, neither of us have had anything all day. That isn't good for anyone's health, " said Konohamaru.

" Yeah " Sakura uttered.

Whilst walking along a street path leading to her apartment, which was a right corner away. Sakura had her mind occupied by the glimpses of shadows, which she was seeing in nearby areas and rooftops.

Konohamaru took notice of Sakura's glancing, and the discreet movements of anbu and other ninjas.

" They aren't being that discreet are they? " Konohamaru asked, " they're being too conspicuous. Anything about it I need to know? " said Sakura.

" Call it a patrol if you will, but it's more or less a keeping our eyes out for any irregularities, due to recent events, as you are aware "

Sakura nods. " They should however, do better with staying hidden... About the whole food thing, you bet I will. I'm not sleeping on an empty stomach, I can't go becoming all skin and bones ", " I'm not even going to allow that ".

Rounding the corner, Sakura's apartment; which is located at the top floor of a typical Konoha apartment complex building, but with some renovations, both in and out during the post war period. Came into their view.

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