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Having gotten through to explaining to Mei Terumi, the bit of knowledge she had of last night's event. Sakura, decided to hold her peace and avoid a conversation with the Mizukage.

Sakura being true to herself, did not believe she had anything against Mei Terumi as a person. She however, does not think it is right, for there to be an intimacy between Naruto and Mei Terumi.

' She is just too old for him. No one from our age group has attempted such a thing as this. ' Sakura thought approaching the gate into the would be, Uzumaki residence.

Sakura could not possibly see what Naruto could, have seen in Mei Terumi as it just didn't make sense to her what the two could have in common to spark a romantic connection. And the more she put her mind into the matter, the bitter the thoughts became; causing a frown to smear her pretty face.

Mei Terumi on the other hand, anxiously anticipated seeing Naruto, being as experienced as she was. The fifth Mizukage kept a composed air about herself. She had no desire of looking anxious in the presence of her elite escorts.

Mei Terumi hoped, when she sees Naruto, he would be about, back on his feet and not bounded by slumber, as she had discovered he had been after protecting his village.

Sakura stops before the gate, unlocks it, pulls back open and walked in. The pink haired kunoichi was followed, by Mei Terumi and her escorts donned in mist ninja gear.

Just a few feet into the exterior ambiance, the eyes of two male and mature men looked at them from the terrace. Sakura and Mei Terumi halted in their steps, at the ceasing of the Mizukage; her escorts stopped behind her as well.

Two separate pairs of emeralds took in the astonishingly beautiful sight, of two grown men with beautiful black eyes and luminous blue eyes. It was a breath taking sight to behold, that early in the morning and Sakura could not dispute that Sasuke had changed.

' He's different, in appearance maybe. But he's still a jerk ' Sakura thought.

" Well there is Naruto, at the left. Awake as expected. Tsk, they could never keep him down " Sakura says proudly.

Mei Terumi however was not sharing in Sakura's optimistic attitude, at the sight of Naruto being well and awake.

' Something doesn't feel right here. What's going on ' thought Mei Terumi.

" Mizukage sama, " " Sakura ". Voiced Naruto (Sasuke) and Sasuke (Naruto).

Sakura had been certain everything was fine, seeing both men on their feet, but as soon as they spoke it all went awry. It seemed like she lost touch with reality.

Sakura was not alone in her plight, Mei Terumi was joined with her, as she also felt a wave of distortion hit her senses upon hearing the separate individual speak. Their utterance, wasn't completely out of the ordinary, as the words were spoken in their unique voices.

However Mei Terumi and Sakura were affected by the emotional weight of the words they heard, from Naruto's lips came (" Sakura ") and to the young Haruno, it sounded so endearing to her ears.

And when Sasuke's lips moved in uttering, (" Mizukage sama ") Mei Terumi felt her heart skip a beat and it brought the world to a screeching halt, the chirps of red winged–blackbirds crescendos whilst the gentle whistles of the wind decrescendos.

All Mei Terumi could hear was the chirps of the morning birds, as she tried to process what she just heard. Mei Terumi had no interest, in the endearing voice of Naruto uttering the pink haired Kunoichi's name. Her interest lied in the wheel stopping utterance.

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