#8 - Body Swap

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Crowley and Aziraphale hold hands, both closing their eyes. They open their eyes, looking to be in each other's bodies. "I guess it worked." Crowley's mouth mutters, being said by Aziraphale. "Well, shall we go about our days then?" He adds.

Crowley in Aziraphale's body goes to the bookshop, thinking "These clothes are so uncomfortable, all the wrinkles." Crowley walks as if he's trying to not touch the clothing he's in. He sits down at Aziraphale's desk, looking at all the things he's done. "Wow, the bookshop is so much prettier to him." Crowley thinks, as he did have snake vision. Crowley picks a pen up, thinking "what else is there to do, gotta act the part anyway." He takes a blank piece of paper as well, starting to draw.

Crowley wasn't the best but being in Aziraphale's body had made him better. Crowley loved art, that was why he had the Mona Lisa sketch in the first place

Aziraphale gets into the Bentley, feeling uncomfortable in his clothing. It was too tight, he felt like he may suffocate. Aziraphale also couldn't see as well as when he was in his own body. Crowleys eyes were that of serpents anyway and the glasses didn't help either.

Aziraphale had gotten his license a long time ago, he didn't even need to take the test but insisted. He puts his foot on the gas, going the right speed, and obeying the traffic laws. This made the Bentley happy, it was tired of running everywhere. It wanted to settle down. Crowley just never let it. The Bentley stayers playing classical music to say thank you to Aziraphale. "This may be not as bad as I thought." He thinks to himself.

Crowley sits a the desk, crumpled papers all around him. He scribbled with annoyance. "It's not right." He is annoyed at how his drawings are coming out. Crowley was trying to draw Aziraphale, but he didn't think any of them were good enough, throwing them onto the ground. "They're not good enough." He yells to himself, putting his head in his hands. Crowley stands up from the desk, wondering what else to do in the book shop.

Aziraphale had driven to Crowleys flat, staying in character. When Aziraphale got out of the car, he tried to inmate Crowley's walk, instead he just crumbled to the ground. Aziraphale picks him self up, pulling out his clothing to make it stretchier and goes into the building. "What was Crowley's floor?" He asks himself. Remembering it was the sixth and top floor, he gets into the elevator.

Aziraphale gets to the floor and tries to fit his hand into Crowley's Tiny pockets of the jeans. He fumbles the key out of the jeans and opens the door. Aziraphale walks Into the flat, looking around. "I never realized how clean he kept his things." Aziraphale thinks. He walks to a group of plants sitting together, they start to shake. "Oh why are you shaking?" Aziraphale asks them, with a sympathetic voice. They stop shaking, realizing it isn't Crowley. "Oh your beautiful." He says to them, touching the leaf.

Good Omens one shots Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat