Was Xiang Hong trying to comfort them? The other trainees were stunned.

It was probably because Xiang Hong usually looked cold and indifferent, so although everyone acknowledged his strength and leadership ability, there had always been a barrier between them. Their relationship could not be considered close.

When they heard Xiang Hong's words, they felt flattered, and at the same time, they also felt a trace of warmth.

"Besides," Xiang Hong looked at a team not far away, and a sharp glint appeared in his eyes. "The team that ranks first will get additional votes from all the group members, right?"

The number of votes for the team in the first place far exceeded that in the second and third places. If Xiang Hong's team got first place, then the less popular members of the group might be able to avoid being eliminated.

However, in the first place ... Could they do it?

Chapter 355. Second Place

"Today's performance was truly wonderful. I believe that everyone had a wild night. Right now, I'm holding the voting results of all the teams tonight. A competition is a competition, after all. There is competition, and there is elimination." The emcee took out an envelope with a nervous and mysterious expression on her face, causing the tense atmosphere to reach its peak.

After that, the rankings were announced.

The rankings were announced from the back to the front. After the ranking of each team was announced, the individual votes of the group members would be announced.

At this time, the fan base was significant. Some teams might not have many votes, but if a group member was trendy, he would not be affected by the team ranking and could still advance.

Although some teams had high votes, there were always a few rookies that the audience was unfamiliar with. Their votes were meager. If they did not get enough additional votes in the end, they would face the danger of being eliminated.

As the host announced the rankings one by one, all the trainees on the stage revealed different expressions.

Some trainees who already knew the team ranking and their votes were happy, while others were sad.

Those who still did not know looked nervous. Some people had a hunch that their votes would not be high and looked pained and desperate.

The camera of the live broadcast slowly shifted to one of the trainees.

This trainee's reaction was different from all the other trainees. There was no expression on his face as if he was in a daze. He looked like ... He was like a listless employee at work.

This person was naturally Wang Le. At this moment, in the bullet comments of the live stream, someone speculated: "Wang Le probably thinks that he'll be eliminated, right? Anyway, he doesn't want to continue being a trainee. Just look at his expression; you can tell he's already thinking about when he can get off work."

Wang Le's 'Off work' has become a hot topic on the internet, and his photos have become a hot emoji package. Many people felt that Wang Le was the trainee version of themselves: He was unwilling to go to work, but he had to persist because of life.

When it was time to announce Wang Le's vote, the host paused for a moment, then read out, Wang Le, 17849 votes, ranked 22nd!

After the host finished speaking, Wang Le's unfocused eyes slowly regained focus. He seemed to be trying to understand the ranking. Then, he revealed an expression of disbelief, shock, and a trace of pain.

Why was he in 22nd place? Didn't this mean that he had to continue staying here? Oh my God, when can I go home?

Wang Le's expression amused the netizens, and the bullet comments were all laughing. Some people said they would vote for Wang Le until the last moment, hoping he would continue to work hard in 'Idol Creation Camp' and fight for the last chance to stand out.

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