Early journey

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A/N sorry for not uploading but as i had said earlier i was on vacation and wasnt allowed to bring my laptop, i did write a bit on my phone but that was all. im gonna try to upload somethin again tmr or the day after. im not sure but i promise i will upload before moday. anywasy enjoy this Chapter (:

I was in the forest Training when I heard loud yelling from the nearby shore. I opened my eyes and turned my head in the direction of the noises. I was sitting on a tall tree, so I had a good view of my surroundings. I looked at the shore and saw a big ship. "Hm maybe pirates? But why? This is Shanks' territory" I said to myself and jumped off the tree branch, landing safely on the ground. "Hey Naomi" "yeah? What's up?" Naomi replied, "What do you think that ship is doing here?" I asked as I began walking to the shore "No idea, maybe a delivery of some sort?" Naomi replied. "Maybe. But why is the ship so big if it's just a delivery?" "How the hell am I supposed to know? I'm as clueless as you"! just go find out for yourself" Naomi said in an annoyed tone "okay okay relax queen sassy, sorry for asking" I said but got no reply.


I was nearing the ship and saw a man; he had some sort of bubble around his head and was shaped like a marshmallow.

"I AM A CELESTIAL DRAGON AND I DEMAND YOU TO BRING THE PRETTIEST WOMAN ON THIS ISLAND TO ME!!!" The man shouted. He was screaming and shouting while pointing to Woop slap demanding him to do it. (Woop Slap is the chief of Luffy's hometown) "I'm sorry sir but what exactly do you need the prettiest woman on the island for?" Woop Slap said in a calm but scared tone. "YOU DARE TO QUESTION ME?!" the man got red in the face and pulled out a gun. His voice was annoying and loud. "What the fuck is he doing?" me and Naomi said at the same time. I wasn't going to interfere but when I saw him point the gun towards Woop Slap I knew this was bad and I had to something. "Stop leave him alone!" I yelled. I stepped between The Celestial dragon and Woop Slap. "Who do you think you are?!" I say in an angry tone. The man clearly got a bit scared of my action. "I have no idea what Woop did to you, but. leave. Him. Alone!" I said angrily. I could see the man had a mixture of emotions on his face. He was angry, scared, confused and confident? The man moved his arm and pointed the gun towards my head. He was about to pull the trigger when he had a good look at my face. "Hm guards take her. I have found the girl to my beauty standards. She is feisty but I will fix that later" the man said and turned around. I was a bit confused by his words. "Fix her?" I said quietly to myself. I suddenly felt two pairs of arms grab me and lift me from the ground. "HEY, LET GO OF HER" Makino shouts, as I struggle to get out of their grip. "Ah ah ah not so fast, if you try to help this young lady, I will kill you and everyone else on this island." The chubby man said pointing the gun to Makino's head. "MAKINO!" Makino looked at me confused and scared about what she should do. "You know I can handle myself, and I was going to set sail soon anyway, so it doesn't make a big difference" I said even tho I was a bit scared myself "but yo-" "no buts Makino! I wanted to have a party and a happy farewell before I leave, but its fine we can just party when I come back" I interrupted Makino and smirked.


Then the two men lifted me and dragged me up to the ship. I looked at the village people and some of them were crying, and waving. They dragged me onto the ship and put a big metal collar around my neck. The two men let go of me and I fell to the ground. "Let's make this clear. I Am your master, and you WILL obey my every command, do you understand?" The chubby man said in an angry tone. "yes" I replied coldly "second you must call me master, and third if you ever disobey me or try to escape, I will make the collar around your neck explode" he said with a smirk planted on his face. "I understand" I said "incorrect! I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND" "Yes master I understand" I said trying my best not to puke. The man let out a sigh of satisfaction. "Since I am such a kindhearted man, I will let you say bye to your commoner friends. But try anything and your head will be gone." A smile grew on my face. "I guess we get to say bye to our friend" Naomi said "looks like it" I replied. "Did you say something?" One of the guards said. I looked at him "oh no, nothing at all" I said and put my hands in the air as defense. "Naomi keep an eye on him, who knows what he is up to" I said only for Naomi to hear. "No problem" one of the men pushes me "hurry the master might be generous to you right now, but if you take too long, he won't" the other said.


I climbed down the ship and saw the little group of people who were standing by the ship. I slightly teared up when I noticed almost everyone was crying. "You guys I was going to leave soon anyway; it isn't that big of a deal" I tried to comfort them. Makino's head perked up and she looked at me. "Y/N you're, ok? I was so afraid something happened to you!" Makino said and hugged me. "The celestial dragons are some bad people; we were scared they would hurt......" Makino's voice trailed off when she noticed the collar around my neck. Everyone looked and their eyes widen when they noticed. "Y/N... is that a..." "Yeah, it's one of those explosive collars. But don't worry it's not going to explode, after all I have Naomi." "Some of the villages people were confused on who ''Naomi'' was, but they didn't question it. "So, are you going to leave?" Dadan asked, as she began to sob. When Woop Slap called her to inform what had happened, Dadan hurried to the shore. "I'm sorry Dadan but I promise to send letters once in a while" I hugged her. "What about your stuff, you can leave everything behind without taking something with you" Dadan cried as she broke the hug. "I mean.... I might have already packed..." I spoke. "This is so typical of you; you're always prepared for the worst" Magra said as he patted my back. "Yep, that sure does sound like me" I rub the back of my head. "Y/N you can't leave, we were supposed to throw a party" Dadan said as she wiped her tears from her face. "I know and I'm sorry that didn't happen, but I must leave to protect you, and everyone else on the island. And I'm getting kin of exited at the thought of traveling on the sea, I might see Luffy or Ace, maybe even.... Sabo" I mumbled the last part. "MOLLE! We got to hurry; the marshmallow seems to be getting impatient" Naomi said as she reentered my body. Some of the village people noticed but just thought they were hallucinating. "What is it?" I asked her "I'm not sure but he is getting a bit mad I think you need to hurry" Naomi said. "fine" I spread my arms "I have to go now, so who wants bye bye hugs?" I said and smiled. Everyone hugged me and said their farewells. I said bye to the Dadan bandits, they said bye to me and Naomi. "Naomi keeps Y/N safe, and Y/N keep Naomi safe" Magra said and hugs "us" "I promise to keep her safe" me and Naomi said at the same time. Afterwards I turned to Makino "Oh Makino" I said and walked over to her "Y/N, Naomi I'm going to miss you two" Makino said and covered her face as she began to cry. I leaned in and hugged Makino "And we will mis you more" me and Naomi exclaimed. "Take care of yourselves, and don't get into trouble like Luffy" Makino said in a whisper like tone. "we can't promise you that" me and Naomi said and chuckled a bit. Makino smiled and slightly rolled her eyes. "Typical.... But if you do see Luffy and Ace tell them the village misses them, oh and that were proud of them, and also tell them th-" "Makino we get it" she smiled and broke the hug. After a moment of silence, I walked over to Dadan. "OG Y/N PLEASE DON'T GO" Dadan cried, and I sighed. "Here we go again" Naomi said, for only me to hear. "Hey Dadan relax, I don't want to leave either unless we want my head to be blown off" I say as I stick out my tongue ''pretending'' to be dead" After talking a bit Dadan calmed a bit down but she was still crying, just not waterfalls this time. Tears began to form in my eyes as I realized that the people who took care of me for so long were not going to be with me every day of my life anymore. Suddenly a man from the ship ruined the moment. "HURRY UP THE MASTER WON'T WAIT MUCH LONGER!" the man shouted. "I... I guess I have to leave now" I wipe a tear from my face. Everyone had a sad look on their faces. "Thank you for taking care of m- us even when no one wanted to. Thank you for feeding, protecting us and thank you for giving us a roof over our heads" me a Naomi said in sync a tear rolled down my face. "I am thankful" I smiled and turned around. "Y/N NO NEED TO THANK US IT WAS OUT PLESURE!" They all yelled and cried. Some of them fell to their knees and some could barely stand. I slowly began to walk to the ship. I could feel Naomis sad aura. "Hey, it's going to be alright we still have each other" I said as I tried to comfort her. "Oh, shut up you're sadder than me" Naomi said. I then slowly crawled up the ladder and the guards pulled up the ropes. "Get ready for departure" a man said. I turned around and looked at the village for one last time. "IM GONNA MISS YOU GUYS!" I shouted as more tears began to form in my eyes and roll down my cheek. "NO MORE TALKING THE MASTER IS GETTING IMPATIENT" a man shouted and grabbed my arm tightly. He pulled me to a room presumably the ''Masters'' room. I waved to the village and smiled at them one last time before they were out of view.

"Thank you"

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