the Evil withing you

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It was night you and Luffy were on the shore. You could hear the was splashing and moving, it was so calming. Luffy was telling some story about him being kidnapped by some pirates, and Ace and Sabo saved him or something and so on they became brothers, you didn't listen that well, you were sleepy. "and so Sabo hit the man in his face" Luffy said, and he went on and on. It was cute hearing him talk. Without knowing you dozed off and you were sleeping.

(Luffy's pov)

I was telling (Your Name) a story when she suddenly rolled over, she put her leg on mine, pressing her head into my chest wrapping her arms around my stomach. "Hey (Your Name) what are you doi-... oh you're sleeping." She fell asleep, guess my story was boring. we should probably go back to the hut... "hey (Your Name) I think we should go back you can sleep more comfortable there." I said but of course she couldn't hear me, she was sleeping. I looked at (Your Name) getting a slight blush over my face... what's this feeling? I'll just ask Ac- oh yeah he's not here. It probably not important, I am just hungry. (Your Name) rolled over. And I took the chance to get away, I picked her up and carried her back to the hut.

(Your Name) pov:
I slightly woke seeing Luffy's face above mine, I couldn't see clearly, he was holding me bridal style. (how romantic) you heard a voice say. It was your inner voice.

You had a power, it was the reason for why pirates were after you... you had an inner demon, but the demon called itself an angel. When you were younger, you use to be tested on, and so when the world found out that you had an inner demon inside you, they came for you. Some pirates got to you first. And did all that stuff. When they didn't find any signs on the demon they thought it was just a rumor. Until you met Shanks. The truth of why you were so sad wasn't because Shanks couldn't come. You would miss him. But you can survive without him. The real reason was because, he helped you. The demon was not that strong when Shanks was around, in fact it wasn't there at all. but if Shanks wasn't gonna visit, you were scared that you would accidentally let the demon out and hurt someone you love.

When you told Ace about it he was stunned but he still saw you as a human, and nothing. That's why you adored him so much, even tho he hadn't known for long. You were happy.

"Luffy?" you asked "oh (Your Name) I didn't notice you were awake; did I wake you?" he said "no its fine, just a nightmare" only 3 people knew about the demon... Luffy, Ace, and Shanks of and shanks crew. But they do not know the full details. "Was it about... that?" Luffy asked curiously." "Yeah" you answered, "well you don't have to worry cause from now on I'm here so you can stay safe" He said giving you a wide smile form ear to ear, you couldn't lie it was adorable. "I hope so" you said and dozed off again.

You were dreaming when all of a sudden that dream was interrupted. "looks like you and that straw hat boy have been getting close" The demon said "I don't know, we've always been like that" "what ever you say" it answered "so what do you want? Every time you come you always want something, so what is it? You asked in a annoyed voice "you know me well. Well, I am willing to collaborate with you. I know I've been harsh the past years, and I've been forced to be kind to you from now on" "YOU WERE FORCED? SO, YOU DONT CARE? That's so like you." Even tho you hated the demon you had a weird connection. "well what do you want to talk about?" you asked "ok so I will grant you my power, but in return you have to help me become an angel" the demon had explained this to you before. It was a demon, but if you teamed up slowly the demon will turn into an angel, giving you 100x strength than before. You always use to decline the offer, cause you were scared something bad would happened. But since Shanks was there most of the time, you didn't need to become strong. But now that he cant visit anymore, you had to make and agreement with the demon. Or you might end up killing someone dear to you. " I'll think about it" you said. And then it went black. You slept rest of the night peacefully.

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