What just happened

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"DON'T COME CLOSER" he yelled. "What why?" you asked. What was he hiding? "Just don't, stay back" he said, in a rude tone. "What is up with you? What are you hiding?" you said, walking closer to him. "Just leave my room, I didn't even give you permission to come in!" Luffy yelled at you. It was annoying hearing him talk like that to you, and he kept on yelling, making you snap. "IS THAT HOW YOU WANT TO TREAT ME? I took care of you all day yesterday and the day before, I worried for you and your health. and yet you still yell at me, and act like that." You yelled, almost tearing up. It hurt, he clearly doesn't give a danm about you, or it hurt. "Y/N that's clearly not what I mean" Luffy said back. "WELL, THAT'S WHAT I FEEL. If you hate me, you should just say so" you mumbled the last part, not wanting Luffy to hear. "Hate? Why would I do that?" Luffy asked calming down and tilting his head. "(shit he heard me)" you thought. "Because that's what it seems like, you barely talk to me, and when you do this is how you act." You said, "I don't hate you; I have just been a bit busy lately" Luffy said walking closer to you. "Busy? With what?" you said in an angry tone. "You wanna know why I was telling you to leave my room?" Luffy asked. "Yeah, I do" he walked closer to you an took something out of his pocket, he wrapped his arms around your neck, and then you heard a click noise. "I didn't know if you would like it. seeing everyone else's presents made me think it was ugly. But that's up for you to decide" Luffy said. You felt something cold on you neck and looked down to see a necklace made from different colored pearls, it had a pretty flower in the middle. You could open the little flower, and when you opened it there was a photo of you with Luffy, Ace, Sabo, and Dadan. "This is so cute Luffy. Thank you" you said, still with an annoyed tone but at the same time happy. looking at the photo remembering Sabo, made you tear up a bit. "You really think so? I spent a lot of time on it?" Luffy said. "Huh what do you mean you spent a lot of time on it" you asked. Looking him in the eyes. "I found the pearls myself it took me a while, and once in a while the clams would bite my fingers at it would hurt like crazy" Luffy said with a chuckle. He looked down to his feet "I know it's ugly you don't have to lie abo-" you suddenly leaped forward, falling into his arms. And giving him a hug. "You didn't have to do all that, for me. I'm sorry I got mad at you." You said hugging him tighter. "Y/N I should be the one to apologies, I was the one who began yelli-" "will you stop, it wasn't your fault. I clearly misunderstood you." You said interrupting Luffy. "(Y/N please don't blame you self)" Luffy thought, he was worried.

(I'm sorry this might have been a bit confusing to some readers, so I just want to say that: Luffy didn't want you to see the necklace because he thought it was ugly, cos the rest of the gifts you got were 10 times prettier. And that is why he was yelling and telling you leave.)

After a long warming hug, you separated. "Thank you for the necklace it really pretty." You said giving him a wide smile. "I got you a few things, earlier today. That's why I was running away from you. I didn't want you to see, the gifts." Luffy said returning the smile. "Really? You didn't have to get me more; the necklace is more than enough. You should have bought some food with the money or something" you said giggling a bit. "Well, no going back, you want to see what I got you?" Luffy asked getting exited. "How could I refuse." You said sitting on the bed. "Ok so first I bought you this ring" Luffy said handing you a bag with a ring in it. it was silver and plain nothing special about it. "And then I got you this shirt, I don't know if it's going to fit, this was the only size they had" it was a plain black crop top, it looked a bit small. "Oh, thank you Luffy I'll try it on after." You said taking the top from his hand. "AND THEN I BOUGHT LOADS OF FOOD AND CANDY" he said exited. "For yourself?" you said laughing. "No... but can I get some?" Luffy said, giving you the biggest puppy eyes. "Sure, you can take some" "yay thank you Y/N you're the best" he said laughing. "Y/N..." "yeah Luffy?" "Can you try on the shirt? The man said if it didn't fit, I could return it, and then I can buy something else for you" "Luffy you should just return it" you said. "Why? do you not like it?" he said pouting. "NO, I love it. but you should waste your money on me, and you got me so many other gifts" you said handing him the crop top. "NO WAY. I bought that for you, and you must keep it." Luffy said, refusing to take the crop top. "No Luffy I insist." You spoke. "I don't care, you have to keep it."

Only Firends.... Rigth?"Luffy x Reader (FEMALE READER)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu