you're hurting me

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A/N Some Boggie angst for you guys :) If you don't know Boggie, it's a Bobby and Reggie ship name. If not interested, you're free to scroll



The two boys sat on Bobby's bed. It was silent; only the cold air from outside was heard. Reggie sighs before speaking.

"Does it occur to you that.. that you're hurting me too?" the younger boy asks the other. Bobby turns to him.

"What do you mean?" the brown haired boy asks. Reggie takes a deep breath before turning to look at Bobby's chocolate covered eyes.

"You've been gone for an entire week doing God knows what. You didn't call. You didn't text. Nothing," Reggie replies. "At this point I thought you were missing or dead.. You left me to worry B." he adds as he has eyes of agony.

"You didn't have to. I told you that there was no signal in where I was, so I didn't call or even text," Bobby explains.

"Except you didn't," the dark haired boy says. "You just dissapeared and left me!"

"Maybe if you weren't hanging out with Alex and Luke so much, you would've listened to what I told you! How am I the bad guy?!" Bobby answers angrily.

"See?! That's the thing about you! You only care how what others think or feel about you. And instead of texting, calling, or even telling me again, you left me to worry!" Reggie complains.

"What else do you want from me?!" The rhythm guitarist asked as fire fumed in his eyes.

"Everything! I want to love you, but you're only pushing me away.. you've cheated on me so many times, lied to me, and then apologize and do it all over again. If this is how you're gonna treat me, might as well consider our relationship over," the bassist cried.

"Fine! You wanna end thid relationship? Okay, end it. I dare you," Bobby leans in closer to Reggie.

"Alright. We're over," Reggie says.

Reggie gets up and grabs his stuff before leaving. He was hurt so much— he was finally happy to not receive anymore pain.

A/N That's all. Thanks for almost 800 reads on this work! And also thank you for helping me reach this up to #2 on ruke. I wouldn't have done it without you guys. Thanks again :)) And if you have requests, feel free to tell me

Shot In The Heart -- Reggie x LukeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя