pride household

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A/N Reggie Angst. Afterwards this chapter maybe some Julie Angst 👍 And some gay slurs too :|



I walked down the staircase as my father and mother fought, again. I sighed and headed for the kitchen. I grabbed the cereal box in the cabinet and the milk in the fridge. I grabbed a bowl and put in the cereal. I flinched from the bottle that crashed inches from me.

"Reginald what the fuck are you doing?!" my father scolds.

"I'm making cereal.." I quiver.

"No. Go up! Can't you see you're gaining weight?!" he growls.

"Come on Thomas! The poor boy hasn't eaten in a week. He can't be gaining weight!" my mom defends me.

Then the screams continued. I sigh as I tried hiding my tears. I don't want dad to know. The last time he caught me crying he called me gay. He always claims that only gay people cry cause they're weak. He also always says that Men don't cry Reginald! but the tears just wouldn't want to hide. They came down to my chin and my eyes bawled like crazy. My father noticed and walked to me.

"Did you not listen to what I said Reginald?! I said men don't fucking cry! Now stop those fucking tears!" my father demanded as he held me by the collar.

But the tears kept going. They were sinking down my cheeks as if someone died. Well I guess I'm about to.

"Thomas put the boy down!" my mother squeals.

There was no help though. The damage was done. My dad had already punched me across the face.

"Are you gay Reginald?! Only gay men cry for being weak! Are you fucking gay?!" my dad held my collar tighter.

"So what if I am?" I answer weakly.

"You fucking bitch," he pushed me to the floor and kicked my stomach. Ouch.

"Now what? Will you tell me you have a boyfriend?!" he yelled as he kept his foot on my stomach.

"Yeah.. I have a boyfriend," I admit.

I turned to my mom who gasped. She had a glimpse of joy in her eyes. Don't know why.

"No one in my family will be gay!" my dad argues.

"Well your own wife is," my mom sassed.

My eyes widened in pure shock. I heard footsteps on the staircase and saw the twins, Steve and Farah. Steve opened his mouth to speak.

"And so am I," Steve admits.

"Me too," Farah replies.

My father's eyes was now covered in anger. He reached up to Steve and Farah to hurt them but mom stopped him.

"Hell no. I'm tired of this Thomas. Leave. Now!" my mom orders. My father went up the stairs and soon went down with his bags.

"I didn't want to be in a family of gay people anyway!" he argued as he headed for the door.

"Well nobody asked you to be here anyway!" I scream.

I shut the door and it fell silent. Then it was all cheers. My mom gave me a high-5 and I gave my siblings a hug.

"That was a shocker," Steve said.

"Haha, I know," I chatted.

After all that, I called my boyfriend, Luke to tell him about the news. He siad he was happy for me and invited me to come over for dinner. Luke told me that he came out to his parents already and they'd like for me to come over. I reluctantly agreed. At least the damage was fixed and I was with my boyfriend happily.

End of Flashback

A/N Another long chapter. Anyways go to the next!!

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