33- Memories

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Evie's POV:

After waking from the slumber I'd just had, it felt like waking up from being dead for forever. That was by far the best sleep I'd ever had, and in the lead up to Christmas too? I was a changed woman. Not only that, but the clock on my bedside table read 11:27. I've never woken up past 10:30 ever. It felt like most of my day was gone already, and I planned a productive one.

I rolled over to hug into Sam, but to my disarray, he wasn't there. Instead my arm was met with a crumpled up bit of duvet. I lifted my body from the bed and immediately felt an urge to crawl back in and curl back up when the cold air hit me, but I equally wondered what all the commotion coming from downstairs was.

Before leaving, I looked at myself in the mirror and just had to redo the bed head I was rocking. My bush of hair was tossed into a messy bun on top of my head and I slipped my slippers onto my feet. I then stepped out of my room, and saw a lingering Bailey join me in the corridor in between rooms.

"What the fucks gannin on doon there?" Bailey croaked, his voice sounding like it was in pain.

"God knas, you coming down?" I asked, heading towards the staircase.

"Aye. Rest well?" he followed me.

"Better than I have been. Nice to sleep in your own room?"

"It was lush. It was like luxury man." he claimed, "Don't tell is you told me so." he chuckled.

"I mean I did like but alreet." I muttered.

When I opened the door, the family fulfilled the remaining seats on the settees as they were amused by whatever was on the telly. Dad noticed Bailey and I and paused what was playing. At this point, I was still clueless as to what was going on but Bailey had a look of sheer mortification laying across his face. It must've been obvious that I had no clue what was going on, Sam pulling me by the waist onto his lap, laughing his head off with Tyler who sat next to him.

"Well, you lazy bastards, we're currently watching our baby videos." Bradley explained, his lips in a straight line.

My heart sunk and I lowered my head into my hands, "Mam why've you done this for?"

Everyone, minus Bradley and Bailey, just laughed at me and my embarrassment. Heaven knows what was on these videos.

"You came down just on time, Evie, we're watching all of your old recitals now." Yvonne chuckled, rubbing her hand in Bailey's hair.

I felt my face turn a funny shade of red and tucked it into Sam's neck, "I don't think I can watch."

"I certainly can, press play, Rob." Sam chuckled, hand running up and down the top of my arm.


"You reckon you can still dance like that?" Dad asks me when all of the ballet recitals finish.

"Dunna, maybes. If I stretch I think I could." I replied, a tone of absurdity behind my voice.

It was hell watching those videos, mainly the ones at the beginning when I was just fluttering around the stage like a headless chicken. I can't lie, though, I did start to cry as I watched my final solo that I performed. As long ago as it was, it was a hard day to forget- a bittersweet type of day- like your last day in school.

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