21- Love

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November was quite a boring month, just the same old with work and seeing Sam every weekend, spending most nights at his. The later shifts had started catching up to me as I often found myself falling asleep at my desk. Sometimes I wish I had've stayed on at university, being a primary school teacher may provide me with more freedom and better money.

Nicola (work): Hiya sweetie, just wanted to let you know that December is my last month working with you. I've been offered a much bigger job, this time actually putting my degree to the test. I've had a lush time with you and I'll miss you tons xxx

Evelyn: Oh man, that's so sad to hear. I'll miss u loads, especially since the rest of them have a thing against me. I've actually been considering going back to uni myself, to finish my degree. Will have to keep in touch xx

Nicola (work): I bet you won't miss me as much as I'll miss you. 100% am going to keep in touch, you're too wonderful to not. Maybe finishing that degree is what you need, go for it hinny. All the best xxx

Evelyn: Love you, Nic xxx

Nicola (work): Pack it in man, you're making me cry 🤣xxx

Evelyn: U will always be my work mam ❤️

Nicola (work): If you need anything, I'm one text away precious girl xxx

Evelyn: I know xxx

"What you blubbering at now?" Sam scoffed as he got home from the studio.

"Nic's leaving work." I sniffed, turning to face him on his sofa.

"Big deal, aye." he mumbled, loud enough I could hear it but quiet enough to make it seem as though he didn't want me to hear.

"How's everything going? The lads alreet?" I ask, trying to engage in conversation.

"Do I have to tell you everything man? You're like- I dunna, it feels like you're suffocating is." he shouted.

"Sorry." I muttered, realising he was in one of those moods.

"I'm gannin for a bath." he snapped, turning his head away from me and approaching his bathroom.

Why was he treating me like this? Maybe I was suffocating him, being around his all of the time. Perhaps he needs his own space. But that just contradicts the idea of moving in together.

Yet again, he might just be having an off day; we all have them, I certainly do.

Having been sat in alone all day, I figured I'd make myself and Sam some food. But what to make? I wouldn't call myself a chef, far from one, actually, but I make a lush spaghetti bolognaise.

After 3 months of properly dating, Sam had never tasted my speciality, and he was lucky to taste it. Whether or not he'd still be in a strop when he came in was up to him, either way, I wasn't going to let it bother me.

In he comes, towel wrapped around his waist and shoulders still covered in some water drops from his dripping hair. I initially had my back to him, cheffing up his tea for the evening, until I heard his heavy footsteps.

I turn around, offer a smile, then turn back around and continue cooking.

I'm then interrupted by his bare arms wrapping around my waist and his face falling into the dip of my neck. As much as I loved it, I was in a bad mood with him so I snapped myself out of my small trance.

"You're suffocating me, Sam." I tormented, trying not to give into his touch.

"Mhm." he grumbled into my neck, not moving.

"I'm busy, Sam." I groaned, liking the sensation of the vibrations of his voice against my skin.

"You can be even more busy, baby." he whispered seductively, getting the sweet spot behind my ear.

Stay strong, Evelyn. Stay. Strong.

"You have anything to say first?" I demanded, turning my body around so that its facing him.


"I'm not giving in that easy, Sam."

"C'mon, don't be so stubborn." he teased.

"I'm far from stubborn, Samuel." I turned back around, back to my cooking.

"Why don't we get a takeaway?" he suggested, lifting me onto the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Because I'm almost finished, care to let me down?" I said, crossing my legs.

He stood aside, a look of defeat on his face.

"Oh, who am I kidding." I muttered, turning the oven off and flinging myself into Sam, lips harshly placing against his.

That did happen, but we still had the meal I cooked rather than a takeaway, to get the energy back- of course.

"We can't shag then make up all the time, Sam." I sighed as we ate our meal.

"I know." he replied.

"What am I doing wrong here? Are you just with me for the sex?" I asked, regretting the last part of it as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"You're sex is class, but I genuinely love you, Evie, like tons." he explained, shoving his empty plate away from him.

"Sorry?" I spluttered.

"I love you, Evie." he repeated.


"Yes, I love you." he repeated again.

"One more time?" I torment.

"I could say it all day, Evie, and you know I could." he smiled, hand on mine.

"I know. But what am I doing wrong?" I hated the fact that I hadn't said I loved him to him, but I needed to understand him more, that's more vital to our relationship.

"Nothing, you're doing everything right. I'm just not right in the head."

"What do you mean babe?"

"It doesn't take much for my mood to change, and I often inflict it on others. Like you, because I love you."

"Four times Sam, I think you might love me." I teased.

"And what am I doing wrong?"

"It scares me a bit, when you're mad. I just need you to talk to me, to trust me. You know?"

"Yeah, I can do that." he nodded, before standing up, "I'll wash these dishes then."

"Okay, I'll see you in bed." I said, before walking towards his room. All I heard was a grumble in response before, "I love you too, Sam. I love you loads." I smiled, walking off.

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