22- Care

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My favourite time of the year is winter, more specially the back end of November going into December. Christmas is no doubt the best holiday season with joy and hope spread and children having the time of their lives, getting spoilt and such.

But this year, I was cherishing those winter days in with Sam. Waking up in his arms being a barrier to the cold and bitter air as the sky remains darker for longer was a luxury. Its just bliss to me. Unfortunately, the two of us go to bed with some more items of clothing on during this time of year, but I don't care because its comfy.

Looking for a flat for the two of us was turning out to be a tricky challenge. When one liked a flat, the other didn't and if there was one that we both liked, it was already bought by the time we go to view it.

"This is our last morning not having chocolate for breakfast for a month." Sam smiled, waking up from his slumber, his voice deep.

"Aye, good morning to you too." I chuckled, turning my body to face his, arms wrapping around his neck instinctively.

"Can we put decorations up today?" he pleaded like a child, giving be his biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Sam, its Friday. Plus I have work today and I don't want you to put them up without me." I replied, hand stroking his cheek as his face turned into a pout.

"Can't you just call in sick? For me?" he begged some more, holding a hand over mine.

"I've done that enough man. One more day off, and they'll gan radgie at is." I explained, turning to get out of bed.

As I stood, I stretched my body awake, my silk pj shirt rising a little to show the top of my underwear. I smirked at Sam who just looked at me intently. The bitter winter air really was keeping me awake, but the dark sky was urging me to sleep. I approached the window, as I always do, to open my curtains and blinds.

The sight of snow made me gasp, frightening Sam who was now sat up in my bed. It was simply gorgeous, and I just knew I had to take my godchildren out today. But I had work.

"Its snowed, Sam." I said excitedly, clapping my hands like a kid.

"No it fucking hasn't." he leapt from the bed to join me at the window.

"Isn't it pretty?" I gawked.

"It certainly is." he smiled, pulling me into his side.

Maybe I could use the snow as a reason why I can't come into work. If so many people say that, then they usually call the day off due to bad weather anyways. Its worth the shot.

Marvin (Gaffer): Hi all, don't bother coming into work today. I can already foresee the amount of people unable to come in today. Prepare for a hard day in the office on Monday.

"Sam." I yelled from the kitchen, where my phone was located.

"Aye?" he yelled back from wherever he was.

"Where are you?" I asked, still with a raised tone.

"Bathroom." he replied, also shouting.

"Can I come in?" I questioned, approaching the room, voice therefore becoming more quiet.

"Hold on a sec."

The door unlocked, and there he appeared.

"What's up then?" a smile was on his face that quickly spread to his.

"We've been given the day off work." I rejoiced, jumping up and down.

"Great, I'm gannin back to kip. You coming?" he groaned, taking my hand in his.

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