chapter 49 zhan ge i need help.

Start from the beginning

Yibo when he saw his zhan ge he became happy he went towards him with smiley face zhan also saw yibo there and he also became happy watching him there before they both could talk with each other then yibo also observed his father in law and chang at their..

Hello dad yibo called feng min, then
feng min also trun back then, when yibo went towards feng min zhan didn't stop him but avoid his father like he is a invisible at their.

Oh....... Yibo how are you my son... Fengmin asked..

I'm fine dad how about you.... yibo ask little bowing while giving respect to his father in law...

Good...... Saying he move his hand over his hair....

Then chang also say's hi to yibo and he asked about how was his job as a model is he happy, or is there any problem.

I'm very happy with my job chang ge ge... And also zhan ge is here for him to support me so there is no problem at here he replied him.

Then zhan called chang then started talking with each other something about their business....

Other side fengmin and yibo talk with each other like it's became long time to meet each other even yibo accepted it..
Then feng min called yibo to come at xiao mansion someday with zhan if it's possible he asked him and then looked at his elder son with logging eyes he can't say anything to him directly to his son but asked yibo with small hope, thinking that maybe with yibo persistent him then he will came there for once, for sake of yibo happiness.....

Okay dad.......... Yibo replied him

Then chang and zhan came there shall we go dad chang asked fengmin.

Humm....... Only mn sound came out from him..

Se you soon yibo.... Bye zhan gege... Chang said byee to them then they both started to go from there before that,
feng min look one more time towards yibo with hopeful eyes then zhan who is avoiding his gaze from his dad he just look at his with so much logging in him with last time and then went away from there with his younger son...

After everyone went from there yibo look towards his husband who is standing there like statue in a trance thinking deeply something do you have any meeting now zhan ge.... Yibo asked.

Zhan who came out his trance after hearing yibo calling him..

Umm?....... He looked at him with questioning gaze...

Do you have any work now.... He asked him again..

No.......... Only replay came out from his mouth...

Then shall we go home together now... He asked....

Umm..... He murmurs nodding his head..

Okay.... Then let's go saying yibo hold zhan hand and started to pull him towards lift...

After sometime they both started to go towards their mansion in zhan car while zhan was driving and yibo is sitting beside at passenger seat by watching outside from window then yibo turned towards zhan and asked him that is he free tomorrow.....

Then zhan replied him no he have work and asked back why??

But without replying him yibo asked him then what about day after tomorrow...

Zhan just look yibo with questioning look then, umm... I think I don't have any important work at that day maybe I'll be free at day after tomorrow.... Replied him.

Then it's finals..... Day after tomorrow we will go for xiao mansion to meet mom and dad yibo said

No..... I'll be busy at the day zhan said with straight face...

Now only you told me that you will be free at the day zhan ge but now changing it.... Yibo replied him in whining tone.

Taking long sigh.... I'll tell about it tomorrow yibo so, don't plan anything before head without asking me zhan replied still his eyes on the road.

Somewhere yibo felt little bit hurt but he didn't tell anything to him.

After reaching home zhan suddenly get a call from his new business partner then lifting his call he went out into the garden while talking with him.

Other side yibo directly went into his room then straightly entered into the bathroom to take shower, he is feeling so sticky all over his body for playing at beach for long time in salty water so decided to take shower first removing his clothes he took a hot shower for sometime then wearing a bathrobe which is always placed on hanger at his bathroom came out from bathroom he went at his wardrobe side then opened it but he didn't find any clothes of his at their the wardrobe are fully empty then next one but this one also empty with confused look on him he looks here and there at whole room where are my clothes are he murmured.

I can't out of this room like this, he murmurs again yes because he only wearing bathrobe on him nothing else and there are lot of servants at their house he can't rome around like this in front of them with no option he sat on his bed while thinking then he thought I should do call to zhan ge ask him bring some clothes for him me . He murmured.

Other side zhan who already done talking with his business partner came inside his room called yibo name for two three times but he didn't get any response from other one then he observe their is no glimpse of the other person did he already went down at dinning room he thought, first I should take shower then I'll go look for yibo me mumbled then entered into the bathroom to take shower.

In middle of the shower his phone started ring again which is placed on lamp side table not one time but it's four times when it's started to ring for fifth time zhan came out from bathroom he took phone in his hand with frown on his face because it's yibo number.

Then he lifts it... Yibo... He called him by his name..

Umm..... Zhan ge i need help.. Yibo asked him in hesitate tone.

What help and where are you he asked back..

I'm in my room actually I can't find my clothes here in my wardrobe and i need anything to wear now... He replied in whispering voice.

Your clothes are he..... Zhan stops in middle he himself tell mrs. Han that to shift all yibo things to his room and today onwards yibo will leave with him in same room but he forgot to tell yibo first....

He bite his thongue with hiss.... Okay yibo you stay there I'll come with your clothes he replied and disconnect the call then wearing his clothes first then brought yibo clothes to his room.

Then knocked on his door... Then , the door is open zhan ge a reply came from yibo then slowly opening the door he went inside the room and saw yibo who is sitting on chair while typing something at his phone.

(instead of paper just imagine there is a mobile in his hand)

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(instead of paper just imagine there is a mobile in his hand)

When yibo observe zhan who is standing in front of him like statute lifting his face he looked at his husband face he can clearly see the hungry look over his face then he also observe that where his husband eyes sticking over him then he looks at his his chest which is clearly visible because of his loos bathrobe, for his zhan ge lustful eyes then suddenly he covered himself with that adjusting the bathrobe on him and get up from his place, slowly went towards him standing in front of him he asked him to give his clothes..

Hi guys here you go the next chapter is updated hope you guys like it...

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