Chapter 5

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"You're right my lady." The mayor said. "We will get Wukong later.. but if Wukong tells anybody, then he'll know the consequences." I said while chuckling as the Mayor bowed. "Yes indeed" He said. "Our destiny can finally come true once I finish spending time with Xiaotian without any distractions." I said while smiling, but not in an evil way.

✨✨Time skip to when they defeated the LBD because idk what else to write✨✨
I was about to win.. "NO!! YOU WILL NOT TAKE AWAY XIAOTIAN AND DESTINY AWAY FROM ME!!" I yelled out until.. I was gone

MK/Xiaotian's POV
We officially defeated the creepy lady that kept calling me Xiaotian!! Except.. I was somewhere I didn't know. It was like an endless void that was completely white. "Hello?" I called out. Then I heard the LBD respond back saying, "Hello my child." I was in complete shock when she said that. I was so confused because she couldn't possibly be my mother. I looked at her and she was tearing up. I saw guilt in her eyes. "I'm so sorry my little Xiaotian.. I'm sorry that I left you..." I heard her say. I don't know why, but my body just seemed like it listened on its own and hugged her. She broke down and hugged me back. Then we stopped the hug once she soon calmed down "I'm sorry I never told you my child.." she said before explaining how she knew me and why she called me Xiaotian. I was just.. amazed. I started tearing up but I didn't know how to feel. Upset? Happy? "I don't have much time left my child." She said before kissing my forehead. "You have every right to be upset at me.." "M-Mom!" She started disappearing quickly and before she completely disappeared, she kissed my forehead. "Just know this my child, you and I aren't so different. We both fight for what we think is right, that only leads to one thing. To pain and.. I'm sorry for everything." she said with a tear on her face. Then she completely disappeared. I broke down in tears as I fell down to my knees and screamed. Then I woke up. The others came up to me and hugged me once they saw I was awake. I hugged them back "Did we defeat the Lady Bone Demon?" I asked and Monkey King said "Yes kiddo, all thanks to you and your friend's help." I was disappointed on the inside, but had to act like I wasn't on the outside. I put out a smile on my face and started getting all excited even though I wasn't. I looked at Redson and he looked at me as if he knew something was wrong. I just smiled at him and he smiled back. I guess that was convincing enough. We all went back to Megapolis to Pigsy's place. I went to go grab some clothes and take a shower. As I was taking a shower, I suddenly got lost in thought of thinking about the LBD until Redson knocked on the door. 'Why is Red man here?' I questioned myself. "My love?" I heard Redson say and I yelled out to him not in a rude way but letting him know that I'm in the bathroom. "Once you're done I need to talk with you!" He yelled out and I just yelled back ok. I quickly finished showering and got my pajamas on then head out the restroom. Then I saw Redson waiting for me as he sat on my bed. He noticed me a few seconds later and I walked up to him and sat down next to him. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked him. "I was just wondering if you ever figured out why the Lady Bone Demon called you Xiaotian and I just wanted to check up on you to see if you were ok." He said then kissed my cheek. I was just smiling but I did start to get worried whenever he asked me about the Lady Bone Demon calling me Xiaotian. "Unfortunately I don't know.." I told him. It was a lie of course. It was between 8-9 at night. I lay down on my bed as Redson laid down besides me. It was nice feeling his warmth after taking a shower because usually it feels cold after you get done showering. We both drifted off to sleep as Redson cuddled behind me.

The dream
I suddenly appeared somewhere dark and cold.. I looked around until I saw the mayor who I think isn't an actual mayor. He was smiling at me creepily. "You want to bring her back don't you Xiaotian?" He said to me as I just stare at him, terrified. Except.. he wasn't wrong. I did want to bring the LBD back. She was my mother who adopted me. I can't believe I just forgot about her.. "Come with me and I'll show you a way to bring her back." The mayor said to me and I jumped a little because he was suddenly near me now. He lended out his hand and I just stared at it. I then looked back at him and then I nodded and shake his hand. I want to bring my mother back.

Author Note: I apologize for y'all having to wait for so long. After I got better, I just suddenly had writers block and didn't know what to do about it. also.. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE READS AND SUPPORTS 😭😭❤️❤️

Sorry Mother..||Mother LBD&Son MK||Random LMK storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن