Cooking Lessons (Updated)

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The duo arrive at Lando's place, it's a huge gothic style house, with spires and a clock tower. Not something Millie would picture him owning for sure.

Millie gasps, "Oh wow, it's beautiful!"

Lando smiles, parking his car on the drive and hopping out of the car, making sure to open Millie's door for her.

The pair make their way inside, and the interior is just as beautiful as the exterior. It has a warm cozy feel, not cold and empty like most mansions, it's tidy too, something Millie did not expect.

"Kitchens this way!" Lando leads Millie, placing his hand on her lower back and guiding her towards the kitchen. It's huge, rustic looking, and extremely clean.

Millie looks around the room, in shock of its beauty, and also its cleanliness. "Have you ever even cooked in here?!" She exclaims.

"Only if beans on toast count" Lando chuckles, smirking slightly.

She places her knives on the table in the centre of the room and puts on her apron, fastening her hair up into a loose messy bun.

She heads over to the sink and washes her hands, before gesturing to Lando to do the same, "Right come on then, wash your hands!"

"Yes miss!" He giggles, making his was over to the sink and doing as he is told.

"So, I thought I'd teach you how to make a bolognese since you love pasta so much!" Millie smiles, carefully taking her knives out of her bag and laying them flat on the countertop.

"Sounds great!" Lando grins, placing an apron on top of his pristine white shirt.

Millie grabs all the ingredients and lays them out on the countertop, as well as some utensils, bowls and a chopping board. "So what you're going to do is prep all your ingredients first. Mise en place."

Lando watches her intently, nodding at her directions. As Millie takes the vegetables, a carrot, a celery stalk and a white onion.

"We're going to chop these into a fine dice. I'll demonstrate and then you can have a go." She begins demonstrating how to chop the vegetables.

Ensuring she talks Lando through each step and going slowly so he is able to follow along. Also showing a couple of variations which she think Lando may find easier.

Lando begins cutting the vegetables, following her instructions, he's a rather slow and sloppy at first, but after a minute or so he's got down a basic dice.

Millie advises him further, keeping a close eye on what he is doing, "Don't worry about speed, that comes with time. You just want accuracy, make a claw with your fingers so you don't chop them off. And always make sure your knives are sharp. Blunt knives are dangerous."

Lando finishes chopping the last of the vegetables, placing them all in the bowl beside him, smiling at his accomplishment.

Millie checks the quality of his handy work and smiles, "See, that wasn't so hard was it?"

"No actually" he grins. 

Millie turns to face the large induction oven and tells Lando the next steps. "So now, you add a little oil or butter to a large pot and place it on a low heat to sauté your vegetables. Wait until the onion turns transparent and add your mince meat."

He does as he is asked stirring occasionally, Millie checking in every couple of minutes to make sure it's up to her satisfaction.

"Perfect" she admires his bolognese and smiles, "now to season, a little sea salt and black pepper and once your meat has browned on both sides, pour in your wine and let it reduce."

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