Mistaken Identity (Updated)

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Two weeks go by, Millie and Lando have been keeping in touch, she watched the races and rang him to congratulate him, P2 in Hungary and P2 in Belgium. They've become good friends in a short space of time, bonding about their love for video games and food. She's missed seeing him, but she wasn't going to tell him that. She wanted to go and watch her brother and friends race, but work comes first.

She wasn't alone though, her cousin Chris was staying for a while. He had just gone through a pretty bad breakup and had nowhere to go, Millie happily offered to help him out with a place to stay. She was alone for a few weeks with her friends and family all attending the races so she appreciated the company.

Millie got home from a long days work and is in the middle of showering when her front doorbell rings. Chris opens the door and there stands Lando with a cheeky grin and gift bag.

His face drops as soon as he sees the unknown man at the door. "Erm, sorry. Is Millie in at all?" He asks, confused.

"Yeah she's just upstairs." Chris greets with a friendly smile. "Mills there's someone here to see you!!"

No answer.

"Sorry, have we met?" Lando's brow furrows in annoyance of this strange man.

"No don't think so. I'm Chris, surprised she hasn't mentioned me!" He smirks, "you must be the famous Lando Norris!"

"Yeah..." Lando scoffs, "Well will you give her this please?"

"What is it?" Chris asks curiously.

"Just a stupid present..." Lando mumbles as he hands the present over.

The bathroom door clicks open.

"Mills' there's someone here to see you!" Chris shouts once again.

"What?!" She heads downstairs, wearing an oversized grey T-shirt, and a pair of small shorts, her hair still damp, not expecting visitors.

"What are you on abou...?!" She cuts herself off.
"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" Millie's face lights up. "You're not meant to be back until tomorrow!!"

"Yeah, surprise" Lando scowls, His face stone like.

Millie can sense tension and is confused "What's wrong? Chris what have you said to him?"

Chris holds his hands up in innocence, "Nothing, I promise!! I'll leave you guys too it, he said to give you this."

Chris disappears upstairs, handing Millie the gift bag. Lando just stares at her, his jaw clenched.

Millie looks at the gift bag, "What's this?"

"Nothing just a stupid present, listen you're clearly in the middle of something. I better go" He huffs.

"What are you on about?" She asks concerned. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Fine." His tone blunt, harsh.

Millie rolls her eyes at her friend, "What's he said?"

"Who?" Lando asks, avoiding eye contact.

"Chris. Has he said something to you?" Millie gestures, "Why don't you come inside?"

"Isn't he going to mind?" Lando mutters, still avoiding her gaze.

Amelia looks at him perplexed "What?"

"Chris, isn't he going to mind me coming in?" He looks up, expressionless.

"I'm sorry I'm confused." Millie's brow furrows, "Why would he mind?"

"I don't know, because his girlfriend's inviting another guy into his house?!" Lando raises his voice.

Millie thinks for a moment, "Ok now I'm really confused..." she whispers, "Oh my god, do you think Chris is my boyfriend?" She laughs, tears forming in her eyes.

"What's so funny?" He asks sternly, visibly confused.

"Chris is my cousin you idiot!" Millie burst into laughger, "Is that why you've got the grump on?!"

Lando's face burns red from embarrassment. "Sorry I just thought..." his voice trails off "I was just upset you didn't tell me."

"Lando if I had a boyfriend you'd be one of the first to know, if not from me it would be from Charles or George!" She giggles.

"Yeah sorry. Didn't think of that, he just caught me off guard" He gives Millie a small smile, his face still blushing red.

"Why don't you come inside? She gestures "We can have a catchup!"

Lando follows her inside and into the living room, he takes a seat next to her. "I am so sorry Millie I..."

"Stop apologising, I personally found it hilarious!!" she interrupts, giggling. "So, can I open my present?"

Lando nods, "it's just something silly, you don't have to keep it if you don't like it."

Millie opens the gift bag and unwraps the present, it's a selection of Belgian cheese accompanied with a handcrafted cheese board.

"Oh wow! Thank you, this is amazing!!" She grins, admiring the selection of cheeses.

"I know it's silly, just thought of you when I saw it" Lando responds shyly.

"I love it, thank you Lando!" Millie turns and gives him a hug, which catches him off guard and he toppled backwards slightly. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!!".

Lando chuckles "Millie? Scary? Never!!" He mocks, poking fun at her.

They talk for a while, catching up with recent events, Chris joins them at some point as well. He too is in hysterics when he discovers Lando thought he and Millie were together.

"Lando I would love nothing more than to catch up for the rest of the day but I've got work soon" Millie sighs.

"Yeah, of course, I'll get out of your hair, sorry I didn't think." Lando pouts, disappointed in himself.

"What have I said about apologising?!" She scolds, "but thank you for the present. It's been great to see you!"

"Yeah, you too Mills, I missed you" He blurts out, blushing slightly.

"I missed you too Lan!" Millie smiles as Lando pulls her in for a hug, before leaving her once again.

Hi, who's this? - a Lando Norris StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat