chapter four

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"So how have you been? Have you talked with mattheo, lorenzo, theodore and draco?" Asked hermione "why would I? I just really hope I don't see them all they ever do is annoy me and my brother" you said resting your head on your hand although a part of you wish you do see them then again you wish you don't

"But I might say that lorenzo is sort of sweet" you said with a small smile making hermione scoff "if he's sweet like you say then he wouldn't be in Slytherin" said ginny crossing her arms "I was pretty sure mattheo had a crush on you" said hermione looking at you directly but you nodded your head no

"Mattheo? No way I'm still not getting over the fact his brother tried to kill my brother" you said bitting your cheek "and me" said ginny in a low tone "oh right and ginny" you said hermione fixes her posture "and there's draco he's such a daddy's boy I wouldn't even bother with him" said hermione

You and ginny let out a laugh making hermione smile "and last but not least theodore" you said rolling your eyes theodore is such a fuck boy he flirts with every girl then fucks them and then leaves them without any explanation he just completely ghosts them and leaves them with a heartbreak then moves on like nothing happened

hermione groans in annoyance "another person I wouldn't waste my time with unless you want a heartbreak and a STD" said hermione looking away you hold in a laugh she wasn't wrong about that "that's why I always say I'm better off single" you said putting a hand towards your chest

"I am too I don't need a man to save me from anything I am more than capable of saving myself" said hermione as ginny nods in agreement "I couldn't agree more" you said with a yawn "didn't get enough sleep?" Said ginny looking over at you "I did it's just uh..." You were about to tell her when you got cut off by harry

"Come on we have to get ready and put our stuff in the train" said harry looking at hermione and ginny with a smile"well then I'll see you at the train" you said looking at hermione as she nods you and ginny give each other a quick hug before you walk away with your brother

You both walked in your room and got all your stuff ready with the help of harry of course he helped you put your stuff in the train then you helped him put his stuff in the train you saw everyone outside saying goodbye to their families and some were already getting on the train

You and Harry both said goodbye to Mrs and Mr Weasley as you guys got on the train once you were all inside harry starts to tell hermione and Ron about what happened with your aunt "I didn't mean to blow her up I just lost control" said harry the four of you were looking for a place to sit since every seat was already full

You were behind all of them trying to keep up you turned your head to see mattheo, lorenzo, theodore, draco, blaise and pansy all together once they noticed you all theodore and mattheo did was give you a smirk draco and blaise looked at you and lorenzo gave you a half smile meanwhile pansy rolled her eyes at you

You looked away not paying much attention to them as you kept moving "brilliant" you heard Ron say with a chuckle "honestly Ron it's not funny harry and y/n were lucky not to be expelled" said hermione with a hit annoyance in her tone "I think we were lucky enough not to be arrested" you said

"I still think it's brilliant" said Ron with a smile "come on everywhere else is full" said hermione opening the plastic door there was a man sleeping but he was covering his face with his coat you all went inside hermione and Ron sat right next to each other while you sat right next to harry

"Who do you think that is?" Asked Ron looking at the man "professor r.j lupin" said hermione getting herself comfortable "do you know everything? How is it that she knows everything?" Said Ron looking at you and Harry "it's in his suitcase ronald" you said pointing at his suitcase

slytherin boys x fem reader 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙋𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora