chapter three

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"The accidental magic reversal department was dispatched immediately she has been properly punctured and her memory modified she will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever so that's, that and no harm done" said the professor walking over to you guys with a smile

The bald guy breaks a Walnut you turn your head to look at him only to see he is already looking at you with a smile You turn your head back around feeling a bit uncomfortable "pea soup?" Asked the professor opening the led "no thank you" said harry nodding his head no

"I'm okay thanks" you said with a smile "minister" said harry sitting up straight "yes?" Said the professor looking at harry with a smile "I don't understand" said harry "understand?" Said the professor in a confused tone "we broke the law underage wizards can't use magic at home" said harry

"Oh come now harry the ministry doesn't send people to azkaban for blowing up their aunt" he said with a small chuckle but when the bald guys starts laughing the professor shoots him a serious look making the bald guy stop laughing and look down in shame you let out a small cough and pulling the chair closer to the table

"On the other hand you guys running away from home like that giving the state of things was very, irresponsible" said the professor walking behind you guys "sorry but what do you mean the state of things sir?" You said turning your body to face him "we have a killer on the loose" said the professor

"Oh you mean sirius black" you said "but what's he got to do with us?" Asked harry turning his body around to face him as well "yeah that's true" you said a bit confused the professor lets out another chuckle looking down like he couldn't believe you guys just said that

"Nothing of course you guys are safe and that's what matters family has to stick together and since you guys only have each other you both have to keep each other safe by protecting each other and tomorrow you guys will be on your way back to Hogwarts" said the professor smiling before walking away from you guys

"These are your guys new school books I took from the liberty of having them brought here now Tom will show you both to your rooms" said the professor "oh so that's his name" you thought to yourself looking at Tom he was showing you guys your school books

Tom pushes the chairs apart from each other and grabs harry by the shirt pulling him up and out the door with you following behind "Hedwig" harry called for his owl hegwig doesn't wait a second before he/she is over there by harry you also get your pet you guys were about to walk out but the professor starts talking

"Oh by the way you guys while you guys are here it would be best if you guys didn't wander" said the professor looking at some paperwork on his desk "we won't" you said walking out Tom shows you to your room first you go inside looking at harry with a frown you wanted to have a room next to his

"Listen you'll be fine alright? You know how to protect yourself and (pet name) will come to me if anything were to happen" said harry as you nod "yeah" you said closing the door you let out a yawn and sit on the bed you haven't slept since yesterday and you were getting tired

(I'mma put that y/n also has an owl bc why not owls are cute but you can have any animal you want that's fine too)

A few minutes past and a knock comes at your door you get up and open the door to find Tom with your books "thanks" you said taking them from him and closing the door making sure to lock it you then make your way back towards the bed and lay down for a bit you try not to fall asleep but your eyes had another thing in mind

Once it was morning you woke up and got ready you also made sure everything was packed and ready to go you opened the door and walked outside where you heard hermione and Ron were arguing over something another door opens and you see harry walking out "hey" you said with a wave

"What are they arguing about?" Asked harry walking over to you looking down from the balcony "who knows" you said looking at hermione and Ron you were just so glad that you get to see them again after all these years of being apart from them they were now a few steps away from you and you couldn't be more happier

"I'm warning you hermione keep that bloody beast away from scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy" you heard Ron say "it's a cat ronald what do you expect it's in his nature" answered back hermione "come let's go say hi" said harry walking down the stairs "good idea" you said walking right behind him

"A cat? Is that what they told you? Looks more like a pig with hair if you ask me" you heard Ron say "that's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush crookshanks just ignore the little boy" said hermione her back was towards you guys so she couldn't see you guys coming

Before Ron could say anything else he looks at you and Harry and smiles "y/n! Harry!" Said Ron with a smile hermione turns around and looks at you guys with a smile "y/n! Harry!" She said as you go up to her hermione puts her cat down as you go in to hug her "it's so good to see you" you said

"It's good to see you too" said hermione you pull away from the hug and smile "come breakfast is this way" said Ron leading you guys somewhere once you guys got there you sat right next to hermione who had her cat in her hands while throwing Ron dirty looks time to time harry reaches out and grabs a newspaper

"Egypt what's it like?" Asked harry "brilliant loads of old stuff like mummies, tombs even scabbers enjoyed himself" said Ron with a smile looking at his pet rat he was holding "you know the Egyptians used to worship cats" said hermione rolling her eyes at Ron and holding her cat closer

"Yeah along with the dung beetle" said Ron throwing hermione a dirty look "not flashing that clipping again are you Ron?" Said one of the twins "I haven't shown anyone" said Ron turning his head to look at them "no not a soul" said the other twin taking the newspaper with him

"Harry! Y/n!" Said Mrs. Weasley you quickly got up from your seat and went over to her she already had her arms open for you guys oh how you loved Mrs. Weasley she was like a second mom to you she even treated you like you were one of her daughters sometimes you would even call her mom by mistake but she never mind she just smiles

"It's good to see you dear's" said Mrs. Weasley with a smile "it's good to see you too" you said with a smile and hugged her once you were done harry doesn't wait a second to hug her as well "you guys got everything you need?" She asked pulling away from the hug "yeah" said harry

"Yes? All of your books? All of your clothes?" Asked Mrs. Weasley with a smile "yeah it's all upstairs" said harry as you nod "good kids" she Mrs. Weasley with a smile seeing her just made you miss your mom even more oh if only she could see you now you wonder what she will say

Or what she will think of you and Harry you just hope you made her proud enough the same goes with your dad "harry, y/n" said Mr. Weasley "Mr. Weasley" you said with a smile as harry shakes his hand "y/n you don't mind if I talk with harry for a bit plus I think ginny, hermione and you have some catching up to do" said Mr. Weasley

"Alright" you said walking away from them to find ginny and hermione they were sitting at a table by themselves talking to each other so you walked over to them sitting right next to ginny "hey" you said giving ginny a side hug which she gladly Return's the side hug with a small smile

slytherin boys x fem reader 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙋𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum